Ds is 6 1/2 months old, has been on EASY since three months. Routine has been ok. Here is our routine
Awake and eat at 7 (5-7 oz formula)
Solids at @ 8 (just started this so not really taking much at this time)
Nap at 9:15 (usually sleeps 1.5, but has been cutting this one short)
Awake 10:45
Bottle at 11
Nap at 130-145 ( was doing two hours then for the past week was getting shorter and shorter. prob 1 1/2 hrs)
Awake by 3, bottle
CN at 5 (30 min)
bath at 630
bottle at 7
bedtime at 730
DF at 11
Here is the thing. He has been getting up at 3 am on the dot for few weeks. No idea what started this. No AP except maybe paci, but he can stay asleep without. Then he seems to be kind restless for the rest of the evening, rolling over onto his belly and getting stuck. Wakes up anywhere from 1-4 times a night in this time span. Might make it to 7, it was 6 am a couple of days ago. Not sure what would be causing this. What do you guys think?