My DS is 5.5 months old. He has STTN since 3.5 months and been on EASY since 2 months. He falls asleep easily on his own for all of his naps, as well as at night. For the past 2-3 weeks however, he seems to be waking at night 45mins after I put him to bed. He is crying when he wakes. However, I really don't think it's due to being over-tired, as he is up at 6:20am, awake for 2 hours each activity period and sleeps for 1.5 to 1.75 hours for both naps. Then he has a 30-45 min catnap in late afternoon. However, due to his early rising, he's in bed two hours after the cat-nap, usually between 6 and 6:30pm. He goes down easily, and is fussy and tired by bed time. It can take anywhere from 5 to 40 mins for him to fall back asleep. I always wait to see what he will do, but once he starts crying (not a mantra cry), I go in and settle him by laying my hand on his chest and telling him to go back to sleep. Once settled, I walk out. Often, he goes right to sleep. Other times, (like tonight), he gets worked up again. I wait a few more minutes, then go back in. Tonight I finally picked him up, changed him and put him back down (he wasn't really wet and never seems bothered by a wet diaper anyways and I really NEVER do this), when I put him back down and re-swaddled him, he went straight to sleep. I don't believe it was the diaper he was unhappy about however.
I give him a DF between 10-11pm and he STTN to 6:20am (I wish it were 7, but I'm happy it's not 5!) By reading this thread, I too am wondering if I ought to increase his activity time. He just seems SO tired by 2 hours. Actually, today he was so fussy after only 1.5hours that I put him down for a nap and he fell right to sleep for 1.5 hours. Any thoughts on all of this?