Thank you for the advice. I did something similar last night and it went well. He started at about 12:30 like usual. I waited a bit to see if he could settle himself. He cried a little and then stopped a couple times. When he escalated into a Mommy I need you cry, I walked in, patted his tummy and said, "It's time to sleep, Chase, sweet dreams" and walked away. He settled for a bit and I stayed just outside his door. He fussed a couple more times then went to sleep. It probably took about 45 minutes until I was pretty sure he was asleep and I went to bed. I didn't hear anything from him until morning. I'm hopeful, I will plan on doing the same thing tonight. I just can't do the CIO, I've had his doctor tell me I should, but two seconds later he discovered my DS had another ear infection and said that was what was waking him at night. So if I let him CIO, how will I ever know he is in pain since that was his only symptom iykwim! Thanks again for the help. I will give you an update after our night tonight.