Author Topic: My toddler is waking at night and talking!  (Read 951 times)

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My toddler is waking at night and talking!
« on: July 08, 2009, 19:06:16 pm »

I have been told by a good friend that I can get some advice here and I am In desperate need of some.

My toddler is 17 months old. Since birth she was a fantastic night sleeper. She was never particularly good in the day, sleeping now for an hour at the most in the afternoon.

I went back to work when she was ten months old and just before I went back to work she started to wake in the early hours. she would sit and crawl round her cot and jump up and day as if it were ten in the morning! She would do this for up to three hours at a time!

She goes to a child minder two days a week and its hit or miss there with her sleeping. She can have from ten minutes all day! to an hour and a half.

Recently she has not gone to sleep at night when I have put her down. she has sat talking and jumping around till half nine at night! When she does this she usually sleeps through.

I understand that she made have had some seperation issues with me going back to work but thats well over six months ago.

On a typical day if she has slept through and gone to sleep normal time at night (which is usually around half seven) she wakes around 7. Has her breakfast about 8. Lunch at 12.00-12.30 and a sleep around one for about an hour. Dinner at 5 and bath and bed by half seven.

She is not good sleeping in her buggy when we are out and usually sleeps in her pram at home.
She has all of her teeth other than fangs and one set of molars.

I really need some advice as my gp and health visitors think its comical and should thank myself for not having a baby that cries!

Any advice would be grateful

Offline donvitol

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Re: My toddler is waking at night and talking!
« Reply #1 on: July 09, 2009, 18:54:49 pm »
she might need to stay up a little later at night as she gets older.  try an additional 15 minutes, and try doing a little bit longer wind down routine.  I recently added an additonal 5-10 mintues to our book reading at night and he now goes to sleep in like 5 minutes