Author Topic: Desperate for help! Am I doing Shh/pat wrong? What else am I missing?  (Read 768 times)

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Offline mollyo13

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My son is exactly 4 months old, and both he and I are extremely OT.  He never naps longer than 40 min, and wakes up 5-7 times a night (hourly after 3 am).  I am new to E.A.S.Y. although we've always followed the pattern naturally - just in 2 hour intervals due to his short naps.
I have been feeding him every 3 or even 4 hours the past few days due to trying to extend his naps, and feeding seems to be going fine although he spits up alot more.  I have trouble getting on a regular schedule because his naps and the time to resettle are so erratic, and I'm not even sure if he should be on a 3 or 4 hour schedule.
I have also been reducing the night feedings to 2 a night (used to be every time he woke), but if I don't feed him it can take up to an hour to get him completely back to sleep.
He is awake from 1 1/2 to 2 hours before the next nap, I try to watch his signals closely to catch a good window to put him down. In the morning or if I can't extend his nap he can usually only last 1 hour.

My question is on the technique I am using to extend his naps and to get him back to sleep. I want to make sure I am doing it correctly, as I spent hours doing this last night and I don't want to invest the time only to have to correct it later!
Here's the details:
1. Baby falls asleep at the beginning pretty easily - swaddled and with paci, held until drowsy then placed in crib awake.  Sometimes he awakes after 10-15 min (after jolt) and I replace paci and he goes back to sleep.  This is the only time that replacing paci works.  I have recently moved his bedtime earlier to 7 pm (from 8 pm).
2. Baby awakes after 40 min usually for naps, and lately he has been doing this at night also.  I wait until he is steadily whining and about to all-out cry before intervening.
3. I attempt to pat his back and Shh in the crib - usually doesn't work, and baby starts arching back, thrashing head, and escalates crying. Replacing the paci at this point never works - he won't take it.
4. I pick him up to settle him - this entails holding him in cradle position and replacing paci and bouncing somewhat.  If I hold him over my shoulder, don't use the paci, or don't bounce then he just escalates further (although sometimes he escalates anyway, continuing to arch his back and throw head back).
5. After settling, I put him back in the crib and Shh-pat. If he starts winding back up/crying I pick him up again.  Otherwise I continue patting or even just keep my hand on him until he closes his eyes. He usually spits out his paci at this point, which will sometimes jolt him but usually not.
I try to stay there for "jolts", for which I pat him and usually have to replace paci.  When he falls asleep sometimes he has the paci, sometimes he doesn't.
6. If I am successful in resettling him after a short nap, he will sleep another hour or so.  At night, he has only been sleeping another 30 - 60 min, as if it's a nap.

So before I spend hours repeating this every night, am I doing something wrong?
Is it OK to hold in cradle position and bounce to calm him when I pick him up from shh/pat? Otherwise he doesn't settle...
Do I need to lose the paci?  I'm not sure if it's a prop because he often falls asleep without it, and replacing it when he wakes never works.  I plan to wean him of it, perhaps in combination with removing one arm from the swaddle - but I wanted to take things one step at a time. When I try to do this now I never get him to settle.
Is it something else in his schedule, such as the amount or intensity of awake time that cause him to have short naps? Or just the fact that he's OT?
Is he getting enough to eat, esp since I have reduced night feedings?

Thanks for reading the long post, I wanted to provide all the info - and I hope that some of you experienced mommies can give some advice! I am really at the end of my rope, exhausted, and finding it incredibly difficult to continue even the shhing and patting several times a day and night!


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Hi, welcome to BW! Hopefully I will be able to answer your questions!

At 4 months most LO's are ready for a 4hr EASY routine. This means the A time is 2hrs (this includes the time it takes to feed him) and the naps are 1.5/2hrs with a 30/45min catnap in the afternoon. Since it sounds like he has some OT built up he may not be able to handle a full A time yet. Putting him down a bit earlier (even before he starts showing tired cues) may help him catch up a bit on lost sleep. Sometimes a 40min nap can mean UT, but in this case I doubt it.

He is old enough now that you can use PU/PD instead of sh/pat. Some babies find sh/pat too stimulating and makes it harder for them to fall back asleep. Have a read on the PU/PD forum, there's tons of info there! The first few nights may be rough and if you have someone who can assist you definitely take their help! Then there is a period of regression, like the baby asking you "are you really serious? this is how you want me to fall asleep?", this usually lasts 2-3 days. Work through it and by the time that's over he should be able to fall asleep and stay asleep with little to no help.

About the paci, you can't really do PU/PD with a paci so I would ditch it. It doesn't sound like it really helps him anyway and in the end it may just be one more thing you'll have to deal with later. Also, you mentioned spitting up, does your LO have reflux? If he has reflux you may or may not be able to do PU/PD as the up and down motion can irritate his tummy.

For the next few days I would go into his room after he's been sleeping for 30min and watch very closely how he's waking up. If you can catch him in time you may even be able to help him transition to the next sleep cycle just by gently applying pressure to his chest/legs. Is he swaddled? This is also something that may help him transition.

If you would like to post what the last day or 2 has looked like for him in EASY format I (or anyone else following this thread) may have some more ideas!

HTH! :)

Offline mollyo13

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Thanks so much for the input! It is so helpful to receive any advice besides "put cereal in his bottle" and "let him cry it out"  :-\
I have read up on PU/PD and wanted to try Shh/pat for a while to see if it works, it does seem to soothe my LO (I think he is a "Touchy") and put him to sleep when I keep it up through his jolts - esp if I add a hand on his chest. I have been using it successfully to extend his naps for a couple days...

It's hard to post what our schedule has been like, it has been very erratic as I am trying to let him sleep as much as possible to catch for example he can't make it past 1 hour without getting really tired (fussy, crying, rubbing his eyes).

So I think my plan will be to get our schedule smoothed out, let him catch up on sleep for a couple days, and see how Shh/pat goes.  If I don't see much improvement then I will definitely try the PU/PD. He doesn't have reflux as far as I know, I think he is just not used to eating larger amounts (he previously ate every 2 hours, probably only 3 oz) and so spits up.
I definitely do swaddle him (tightly!), otherwise he doesn't make it past 20 min of sleep.  I was thinking if I do PU/PD, I will definitely ditch the paci at that time and probably unswaddle one arm or let it peek out, so hopefully he can suck on a finger - and gradually start removing the swaddle. Maybe I can get rid of all the crutches at once (although I forsee alot of protest from Sebastian!) Right now he will not even calm down without the paci though so I might have to try gradual withdrawal.  Gosh it all sounds overwhelming!


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If you see that he's starting to respond to the sh/pat then definitely stick with it! From your first post it sounds like you're doing it correctly.

When you wean the paci may also be a good time to introduce a lovey. It can be a blanket, a stuffed toy or whatever else you see that you think may suit him. If you sleep with it a few nights before giving it to him he may attach to it faster since it will have your scent on it. Also when you first introduce it, having it with him while he's feeding can also create a bonding experience for him with it.

Touchy LO's can be super sensitive to A times. Have you seen the Touchy support thread on the EASY forum? Skimming through that you may pick up some different things that have worked for other mom's of Touchy babes. :)