Hi my lo is 18 weeks old and has been waking in the evening the last 3 nights, which is not typical for him - he usually sleeps til his df at 11pm.
Last night he woke at 8pm (1 hour after going to sleep) & I resettled him, then 9,40pm - I couldn't get him back & gave him df at 10.25pm. Tonight he woke at 8.30pm - cried then resettled himself, & 9pm - I used pu/pd for the 1st time & he calmed after 20mins (quite pleased with that...) He just cried out in his sleep but resettled himself - 10.15pm. Am hoping he makes it to the df asleep!
I think he is going through a growth spurt as he has been more hungry in the day the last couple of days - feeding from both sides instead of one. He is still fed 3 hourly, ebf. I struggle to get him to go longer..
Todays routine - a fairly typical day
E 4.40am (usually between 4-6am)
A 7.10 awake (usually between 7-8am)
E 8am (not usually hungry til 3+ hours after night feed
S 9.10am into cot, asleep within 5 mins til 10.50am
E 11am
S 1pm - 1.55pm
E 2pm
S 4pm - 4.45pm
E 5pm
Bath 6.30pm
E 7pm
S 7.20pm
I know evening wakings can OT but he doesn't seem to be - very happy when he wakes, even after 45 mins. Only tim ehe sometimes gets grumpy is just before bathtime, but bathtime with Dad sorts that one! Anything less than 2 hr A I get a short nap in the morning. He has sometimes started doing 1.5hr nap in the pm as well, especially if had a short nap in am. I do a wind down before naps & he usually goes straight off. We struggled with short naps for a while but he is largely sorted - during that time he never woke up in the evening yet you'd think he would be more OT! Should I try a slightly shorter A time in the afternoon?
He did have his jabs yesterday - maybe that combined with growth spurt & maybe start of teething? He is constantly chomping on whatever he can get in his mouth & dribbles like crazy! I have wondered about starting to give him baby rice but he is not big - 13lb at 18 weeks (we are both small). He does watch me eat though & has got good head control/can sit up for a few seconds unaided, so some of the signs that he could be ready are there.
Any thoughts?
Thanks, Jen