hello again, i'm back for more advice!! Catherine was 6 months last week. She had started STTN about 6 weeks ago when i started topping up after BFs with formula.
2 nights ago i ran out of Aptamil 1 and started a box of Aptamil 2 'hungry baby'. She woke about 6 times that night, from 2.30 onwards. I got a new box of Aptamil 1 yesterday and has discarded the 2, so she had her normal milk all day yesterday (5 milk feeds, 3 solid meals). She was awake last 3 times, 3.30, 4.30, 5.30. The first time she got herself back to sleep, the second 2 times she was more awake and i gave her the dummy, then woke her at 7. She doesn't need the dummy to get herself to sleep in the evening or for naps so i don't think she's dependent.
I know they have a growth spurt at 6 months, but she's been on solids for a while and is eating quite a lot. She's on about 24 ounces of milk too.
LAst night she did refuse most of her DF and only took 2 ounces at 10.30. BUT this morning she was very reluctant to feed, took me 30 minutes to get 2 ounces down her at 7am, and she did't want much in the way of solids for breakfast either.
could it be teething: She isn't particulalry dribbly, complaining, red cheeked etc. would teething make her wake in the night?
Need to get rid of catnap? She had been doing 1.5hour naps twice a day plus 30 mins CN. the last few days her naps have been more like 1hour 20 in the morning and someimtes just 1 hour in the afternoon. Does this mean she needs more A time? She went to sleep this morning exactly 2.5 hours after i woke her up. SHe's 6 months and 1 week old.
MAny thanks everyoen!