sorry to be posting again all over the place, i could really do with some advice as my head is all over the place. i'm so tired i gave catherien a dose of night nurse instead of calpol last night, only a very small one fortunately as she (sensibly!) spat most of it out but i'm so upset about it.
she had been sleeping through for about 6 weeks. 3 nights ago i changed milk to aptamil 2 and she woke about 5 times that night. i changed back to the usual stuff the next day, she woke 3 times that night. Last night she woke at 7.50 (45 minutes sleep), 1.15am, then about every 45 minutes til morning. Settled herself everytime so i didn't need to go in, but couldn'r get back to sleep.
i've been reading the the FAQs on night waking and am typiung up my thoguhts to try and get my head round it!!
1) TEETHING: don't think so- not dribbling, not red cheeked, calpol/night nurse didn't make any difference, still woke up, so not pain related.
2) MILK: getting about 22-24 ounces of aptamil 1 a day. can she still be bunged up from one DF of Aptamil 2 3 nights ago?
3) SOLIDS: 3 meals a day: rice&fruit, rice/veg/protein; rice&fruit. one hour after milk. not taking much.
4) NAPS: had been doing 1 1.5 hours plus a 30 minute cat nap. Naps have been slightly shorted the last few days, down to 1hour 20 minutes. Usually does 2.5hours A time first thing in the morning but struggles togo this long after her first nap. Should i be extending naps to 2 hours and dropping the CN? she still seems to really need it.
5) OT at bedtime: i don't think, goes down well in about 10 minutes of 'talking/singing' to herself. This is usually 2 hours after waking up from catnap. is 2 horus too long/too short?
6) HUNGER: I don't think so. she got herself back to sleep on all her wake ups. She's not properly awake as such but doing the moaning and groaning noises she makes to get herself to sleep. i don't understand what's disturbing her sleep so much,
I'm so confused that she can have changed so suddenly. 4 days ago she was sleeping 3.5 horus in the day and 11 at night. U can't get back to sleep once she's woken me up, i'm usually just nodding off and she wakes up again so have had about 2 hours a night for th last 3 nights. It's also disturbing DD1.
i can't think of anyhting else to say. I'm going to try cooling down on the solids a bit and just giving her rice and milk today.
DH says i shouldn't go into her at night. He thinks giving her the aptamil 2 messed her up a bit, but me going in to her has reinforced the waking. i'm not sure i agree, can she really deliberately wake herself up like this? She got herself back to sleep independentl every time last night so she doesn't actually 'need' anything.
sorry if this is a bit rambling, not reeally thinking straight yet today and am stills o upset about giving her my medicine
thanks everyone