Author Topic: Help needed with 3 month old waking in night  (Read 772 times)

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Offline nursegeri

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Help needed with 3 month old waking in night
« on: July 13, 2009, 11:18:51 am »
Hi, have been following the 3 hour EASY routine for nearly a week now and am seeing results throughout the day but not at all in the night. My baby generally has her first 2 naps that lasts approx 1.5 hours and goes down well for them. She does wake after 45 mins though and i quickly have to put her dummy in and she is back for another 45 mins. The 3 rd nap of the day seems a little more challenging. She doesnt settle quite as much and only seems to last 45 mins!!! She will catnap for 40 mins between 5-6pm. Then the nightmare starts. She will go down at about 7-30pm-8pm reasonably well and have dreamfed her at 10pm. She then wakes at approx 2 pm for a feed then every hour or so until she wants to get up at about 6:15am. My easy routine is posted in the easy forum if anyone wants to have a look and offer any advice for the night time wakings!!!!

thanks for reading!! Geri x


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Re: Help needed with 3 month old waking in night
« Reply #1 on: July 14, 2009, 00:46:47 am »
It sounds like she may be ready for an increase in A time. Most 3 month olds start working towards the 4hr EASY, so their A time increases to about 1.5hrs. Around 4 months old then, many can transition to the 2hr A time with 2 X 1.5/2hr naps and a 30/45min catnap. Many times the unsettled sleep in the wee morning hours indicate more A time needed during the day.