Author Topic: Sleep problems with 6 month old - HELP!  (Read 731 times)

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Sleep problems with 6 month old - HELP!
« on: July 13, 2009, 14:14:07 pm »
Help!  Sleep seems to have gone a bit wonky for my LO who is just over 6 months old.  I started him on EASY at about 4 months after a shocking week when he went on sleep strike during the day!  After some great advice from the BW book and on here I managed to get him into a really good routine and he was doing 2 good naps a day (between 1.5 to 2 hrs each) and a short catnap (normally at most 30 mins).  I have always had to APOP the catnap as he just would spend 40 mins fighting it in his cot so it just seemed easier to take him out in the buggy or car.

Then about 2 weeks my poor DH dislocated his knee and it meant that we needed to drop him to work in the morning.  That sent everything a bit wonky because it was close to LO's first nap time and he started to fall asleep in the car and then wouldn't continue his nap when we got home (he really doesn't nap well anywhere other than his cot - in the car and buggy the longest he will sleep is 30 mins and he wakes as soon as you stop driving/moving!).

Anyway since beginning of last week DH has been at home (not good looks like his company is going bump) so we started working on getting naps back in order and things just don't seem to be getting back on track.  At first I was putting him down at his old normal times and that worked for a couple of days then started getting hour long naps and started waking earlier in the morning as well.  He doesn't wake up crying, just wakes up babbling/chatting.  So I think it might be he needs more A time or to drop the catnap?  But I really don't know what his A times should be now.  Before he was doing 2 hrs A time so I was putting him down for his sleeps at the 1hr50 mark cos he would fall asleep in 10 mins.

Here's our day yesterday and today so far;

6am - wake up , babbling not crying so left him in his cot
7am - up BF (30m)
8.15am - solids (50g mango & banana)
8.45am - put down
9am - sleep
9.45am - wake up, happy not crying but wouln't go back to sleep
11am - BF & solids (40g)
12pm - put down
12.15pm - sleep
2.15pm - wake up
4.15pm - tried to put in cot for catnap, hysterical crying for 40 mins
5.30pm - catnap in car
6.30 - bath and BF
7pm - bed

6.20am - wake up , babbling not crying so left him in his cot
7am - up BF (30m)
8.20am - solids (50g mango & banana)
8.55am - put down for sleep
9.10am - sleep (I think!  he was quiet from this point anyway!)
10.50am - awake
11am - BF (20m)
12.15pm - solids (25g chicken/sweet potato and 25g banana/apple)
12.55pm - put down, mantra cried for 20 mins at which point I went in as soon as he saw me all smiles, grabbing his feet etc.  Did ssh (can't ssh pat anymore as if he can see me standing over his crib he is too distracted) and he fell asleep at 1.50, still asleep now (3.10pm so plan to leave him until 3.30 when I'll have to get him up as need to go to Drs).

Any help gratefully received!

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Re: Sleep problems with 6 month old - HELP!
« Reply #1 on: July 13, 2009, 19:21:30 pm »
sounds like he's UT....taking longer to fall asleep, short napping, and EW or long NW, are signs that your lo needs more A time.  This link may help you:
Have you tried adding 10/15 min to his first A time doing something VERY low key? If you get a nap of longer than 1 hr repeat that A time.