Hi Barbara,
Thanks. It's not the getting up - DH does the night shift anyway
It's just that I think I am just driving myself a bit crazy because both the BW book and the ped say he should be going longer stretches of sleep with a DF at his age. Ok so we have no DF per se but surely the first night feed counts in theory? So I am wondering if the reflux has delayed him in that respect...? He is on meds and to be honest I too am wondering if we need an increase.
His wakings are erratic and so I am pretty sure it is hunger and not just habitual. Or is waking between a certain block of time each night considered habitual? It's nothing we can set our clock to because it is anywhere between 11 - 1 and then it's anyone's guess as to when the next one will be.
When we know he isn't hungry and if he wakes, we can usually get him back down with shush/pat. If he is hungry, no way will anything console him. But he rarely wakes at night unless he wants to eat - thank goodness, so far so good.
Last night he ate:
6:00 5.5 oz bedtime feed
11:10 p.m. 4.5 oz 1st waking - back to sleep
2:50 a.m. 4 oz 2nd waking - back to sleep
Then nothing until 7:20 a.m. wake up time at which time he had 5.5. oz again.
When does the second night feed usually disappear? In the book it mentions the DF being phased out but couldn't find anything about when there are two night feeds... Tracy said that any babies she worked with would sleep from DF to morning by the second month.