Hope I got this in the right place. My 2YO DD has been doing really well with potty training over the past 3 weeks and is almost perfectly dry. Only has wet nappies sometimes after a nap/sleep.
The problem is she now really hates to pee in her nappy and it will often wake her up between 4/5am and she needs to go potty. She then wakes up properly and is getting increasingly difficult to settle.
The second issue is she is now using the poo/pee request as a stalling tactic at night before settling her down. She will sometimes ask to go up to 4/5 times! We've tried to make it as uneventful as possible with little interaction.
Because poos have been more difficult for her I'm hesitant to ignore her requests. This is new territory for us! And while I'm so proud of her achievements I'm also getting annoyed that I'm being manipulated!
Would love to hear if anyone else has been through this or if anyone has suggestions