I ended up df at half 7 and he slept all the way 2 4ish

which has been good for him especially since he fell asleep so early then ended up in every 30-40mins putting his dummy in At 530 he had another 1hr n 15mins
Im still adjusting 2 getting out 2 work in the morning never mind being early lol
He attends the nursery i work so when im finished i cant go without him
Gran could be more flexible but not yet That 1s work in progress Shes not very good at listening He has a special diet and shes fed him wrong twice put him 2 sleep at wrong times So we are taking it 1 thing at a time a feed or a sleep But yesterday she done well im happy 2 say Grandma is gr8 though she listens 2 lo and knows all the cues 4 everything (can you guess Grandma is my mum lol)
Today was gr8 though Up at 645 Slept 9.30 - 1020 no prob I left work at 1 so sang very loud in car till we got 2 my mums (its nearer) Asleep in cot no prob at 130 stirred at 2 then back over till 245

We thought he would nap in car at 4 but no he decided at 5 just as we got to the bottom of our road then the car stopped so he woke Bathed at half 6 then refused bottle asleep at 705 so ill try df at 8