Author Topic: Catnap or early bed  (Read 1492 times)

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Catnap or early bed
« on: July 14, 2009, 18:34:43 pm »
Since lo has started nursery routine is kinda all over the place it was
Awake 6ish    Sleep 9/930 4 2hrs    then sleep 130ish 4 2hrs and no catnap   then bed 7

Today has been awake 715    sleep 9 4 hr n half    then sleep 1 4 45mins and 20min catnap on way home    and ended up in bed at 645 a little ot

Just wondered if i should put him down 4 an longer catnap and bring bedtime round 2 half 7 or just put him 2 bed at half 6

Just dropped the catnap cos it was cosin nw
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Offline huntersmummyinoz

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Re: Catnap or early bed
« Reply #1 on: July 15, 2009, 13:48:37 pm »
what time does he need to be awake on nursery days??

also, can nursery put him down a little later for that second nap as looks like he is UT napping there and this might solve your problem!

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Re: Catnap or early bed
« Reply #2 on: July 16, 2009, 15:20:53 pm »
Today was a short day as his gran picked him up He got up at 7.30 this morning and nap was 9.45-10.30 then slept on way home at 12.45 in car till 1.05 then his cot till 1.25 Gran took him back out in car twice and he slept 10mins at half 1 then 10 at 3 :(
My shifts are different from day 2 day I would love him 2 get up at 7 everyday some mornings hes away fae 6 then others i stirr him at 7 but not very often  If he wakes at 6 he ends up sleeping in car which knocks everything out
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Offline huntersmummyinoz

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Re: Catnap or early bed
« Reply #3 on: July 16, 2009, 17:00:46 pm »
my LO dropped to 11hrs night sleep around that age too. i ended up shifting his whole day forward gradually over 2 weeks so that bedtime was 7.30pm and then wake up was 6.30am. would something like that help? the later time may mean no power naps in the car on the way to creche too.

so seems like napping in the car is causing a few problems, is he still rear facing?? any fav toys you can give him back there to help keep him awake (noisy ones!). and i assume it isnt a portable car seat that you can just take in and out the car? for times when napping in the car couldnt be avoided i would bring a coffee or drink, some snacks and a magazine, so that when we arrived he could finish his nap in the car and i still had something to do or i would take the 'scenic' route home and drive around a bit longer. (when he was tiny it was easy to transfer him from car to crib but after about 4mths that didnt work). i appreciate this is going to be a bit harder to ask gran to do when it's not always yourself.

on days where that middle nap goes wonky, then get him down earlier for the catnap and let him sleep a little longer there to avoid OT at bedtime. i worry that if you have to do too many early bedtimes he will start waking earlier in the morning. you will prob need to establish a time to wake him by tho so that he has a long enuf A time before bedtime so that nw issues dont creep up again.

sorry i cant be more helpful, it's a little tricky if everyday looks a bit different.

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Re: Catnap or early bed
« Reply #4 on: July 16, 2009, 18:07:06 pm »
He's only slept 10 or 11hrs a nite

He's 4ward facing which isnt easy 2 lift out and has a few toys not 2 noisy as he cries I told his gran take your time going home let him have half hr in car and you should be able 2 put him down in his cot She said this happened but im not 2 sure I try leaving earlier or l8r so i can do this with him
I tried putting him for a nap at 3 4 5 and he screamed the house down and wouldnt even settle in my arms Eventually he crashed out at 6 in the living room on his playmat So bathed him and tried feeding him but he refused then had 2 ssh pat and pupd He was shattered and screaming :( Within 5 mins he was out so trying 2 think df? If so when? We have just cut out his 11pm df as it was unsettling him and he only took an oz or 2
i worry that if you have to do too many early bedtimes he will start waking earlier in the morning.
I thought about that 2 We did have bed time 7 and wake at 6.30 and 2  2hr naps and a half hr catnap but somewhere between me starting back work and ds nursery 2 weeks ago everything has mixed up :'(
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Re: Catnap or early bed
« Reply #5 on: July 16, 2009, 18:49:46 pm »
yeah maybe if you are able, tweak the timing of him being in the car so not too close to a sleep time. unfortunately this would prob mean taking him in earlier in the morning to care so that he isnt sleepy on the way. can you and gran be a little flexible about when to pick him up? either a good 45 mins to 1 hour before that second nap is due or otherwise, let him nap at care and pick him up afterwards?

if he's dropped the df, you could try a feed around 9ish, i would suspect he would wake hungry sometime this evening anyway.

sorry you are having a rough time with this hun, he was on such a fabulous routine!

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Re: Catnap or early bed
« Reply #6 on: July 17, 2009, 18:19:48 pm »
I ended up df at half 7 and he slept all the way 2 4ish :) which has been good for him especially since he fell asleep so early then ended up in every 30-40mins putting his dummy in At 530 he had another 1hr n 15mins
Im still adjusting 2 getting out 2 work in the morning never mind being early lol
He attends the nursery i work so when im finished i cant go without him
Gran could be more flexible but not yet That 1s work in progress Shes not very good at listening He has a special diet and shes fed him wrong twice put him 2 sleep at wrong times So we are taking it 1 thing at a time a feed or a sleep But yesterday she done well im happy 2 say Grandma is gr8 though she listens 2 lo and knows all the cues 4 everything (can you guess Grandma is my mum lol)
Today was gr8 though Up at 645 Slept 9.30 - 1020 no prob I left work at 1 so sang very loud in car till we got 2 my mums (its nearer) Asleep in cot no prob at 130 stirred at 2 then back over till 245 :) We thought he would nap in car at 4 but no he decided at 5 just as we got to the bottom of our road then the car stopped so he woke Bathed at half 6 then refused bottle asleep at 705 so ill try df at 8
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Re: Catnap or early bed
« Reply #7 on: July 18, 2009, 14:21:59 pm »
Average A times are:
Late 5 months/early 6 months 2.25-2.5 hours
6.5 - 7 months 2.75-3 hours. Some are getting more.

so he is definitely on track with those times, just keep an eye on the first nap. he did 2.75hrs A time but only napped 50mins, could be UT but could also be noises etc in nursery making it harder for him to transition. try an extra 10/15mins A time if this nap is consistently short tho.

looks like he had a better day tho :)

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Re: Catnap or early bed
« Reply #8 on: August 17, 2009, 18:47:28 pm »
Well we managed 2 work on through it We started putting ds down 4 his sleep at 7 had half hr then he stirred and we df That was working well apart but we were beginning 2 lose track of time His routine now is Awake at 6 (sometimes half 5 :(!) he plays in cot till half 6 so i get a shower and changed Nap 9-10.30/11 then nap 1.30- 3/3.30 bath at 6.15 so he can get his bottle 6.30/7 which he takes all Asleep just after 7 and the rest of the nite is my own
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Re: Catnap or early bed
« Reply #9 on: September 07, 2009, 04:40:47 am »
hi hun,
sorry for the late reply. moved house and country so things have been crazy!

how are things going? also if you have a new thread let me know and i'll pop over there.

kirry :-*

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Re: Catnap or early bed
« Reply #10 on: September 09, 2009, 08:24:26 am »
THINGS HAVE BEEN GOING WELL (caps off now) Routine is still the same as last post He is now cutting his first tooth and its not made much difference 2 sleeps :)
Only problem now is we are off on holiday Fri He wont sleep more than half hr unless is his darkened room So could just be alot of naps and hopefully he will fall back in2 his routine when we return home
Thanx 4 asking
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Re: Catnap or early bed
« Reply #11 on: September 10, 2009, 10:22:04 am »
so glad to hear things are going well. what a champion teether!

my little guy likes to sleep in the dark too. things that have helped getting him to nap longer whilst out and about (just in case it may help you), a black muslin wrap over the stroller (any other colour and he wont sleep as long), draping the same wrap over the car seat, and portable black out blinds (called baa baa blinds) that stick onto windows with suction caps - expensive but we use them all the time now.

hope you have a good holiday :-*

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Re: Catnap or early bed
« Reply #12 on: September 28, 2009, 09:16:34 am »
He is such a big boy i think he likes 2 stretch out and cant get comfy apart fae in cot On holiday he slept in the buggy but 45mins here and there EASY was so out the window After a couple of days he got real grumpy so started putting in the travel cot in the room 1 day he slept 2hrs! He sleeps wa "clothie" a flat teddy over his eyes
He is now cutting another tooth but we are all getting 2 know about this 1!
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Re: Catnap or early bed
« Reply #13 on: September 30, 2009, 03:21:37 am »
from a similar age hunter started to only do around 45/50 minute naps when out and about too. i think he just couldnt transition to the next sleep cycle in the buggy. now when we are on hols, etc, we try to do his nap in the travel cot every 2nd or 3rd day so that OT doesnt set in. that's fab he did a 2hr nap in the travel cot, hope you had a good trip.