Hello all,
A lot of you know of our continued struggles with DS and sleep.
Well finally it got a lot better and he was becoming flexible enough for us to actually start doing things and have an occasional late evening with him and then we gave up the pacifier lats week and its been hell since then.
his good routine was
7ish wake-up
12-1:30 nap
8ish sleep
this was working like a charm
Now after having given up the pacifier last Friday the issues we are facing are
1. Taking atleast 1 hr to fall asleep for the night - this inlcudes endless singinmg and chatter and then a lot of sucking of his lovey before he falls asleep
2. Insisting on me holding his hand/standing by his bed till he falls asleep - major tears if not maybe its to replace the pacifier comfort?
3. EW - am guessing its because he is heading towards OT
4. naps he falls asleep quicker maybe 15 minutes instead of the older 5
So not sure how to start resolving this issue. If I let him sleep as long as he likes in the afternoon to make up for his lost sleep, the night becomes later still as he normally needs 6hrs at least between nap and bedtime. On days we have a catnap (if we are out and about) this can be 5 hrs but no lesser,
Also have tried putting him in bed as early as 7:15 and he still would not fall asleep till 8:30/9, he throws a fit if I even talk about sleep any eralier than 7:30 and insists he needs to play/wants to play.
so current scheudle looks like
wake up - 5:30-6:30, sometimes I can cuddle with him and prolong his sleep to prevent OT but not always
nap 12/12:30 - 1:30/2
sleep 8:30-9
would love some guidance so I can stop this downard spiral we are hedaing towards. We really worked hard at his sleep and now I am almost regretting having given up the pacifier
many thanks