Author Topic: lots of crying at bedtime  (Read 1094 times)

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Offline Henna20

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lots of crying at bedtime
« on: July 16, 2009, 23:50:25 pm »
I have a 2 yr old daughter and a 3 month old son.  They actually have the same birthday! Ever since the baby was born my dd cries ALOT for sleep times.
Here is our routine:
Bring her to room. Turn off big light. Turn on lamp. Bottle of juice/milk. Change diaper. Read 2 books. Hugs. Put in crib. Sing her favorite song a couple times and then good night. Then she starts screaming!!! We end up going in and saying one more song and then all finished. sing the song-try to leave and then screaming again. we go on and on and on depending on the night. i feel so stupid to keep saying one more time and then not really keep to that but i can't let her cry on her own.
what could i do to make bedtime easier for her so she won't cry??

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Re: lots of crying at bedtime
« Reply #1 on: July 17, 2009, 01:04:38 am »
Wow, that is too cool that they have the same birthdays!

I honestly don't have any personal experience with this one, but I just wanted to send you *hugs* for this one. Was there any bedtime issues before your son was born, or was this something to develop since he came home?
Vicki - nursing student and proud mother to three refluxers in two years

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Offline Mama2boys

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Re: lots of crying at bedtime
« Reply #2 on: July 17, 2009, 01:11:06 am »
we are going though a similar phase so will listen in...i knowwhat you are going through..big hugs to you!
9 and 6, oh boy!

Offline deckchariot

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Re: lots of crying at bedtime
« Reply #3 on: July 17, 2009, 01:18:00 am »
Can you post what her routine is in terms of waking/napping/bedtime?  It may be a routine tweak, it may be an adjustment to her may want to try wi/wo or gradual withdrawal:


Offline Henna20

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Re: lots of crying at bedtime
« Reply #4 on: July 17, 2009, 02:37:02 am »
Re her routine:
These days we are pretty flexible with her as she seems to still go down for a nap even if its not exactly the same time every day. (as a baby she worked liked clockwork following exactly the A times for her age. whenever we would have a problem with her not going to sleep right away it always ended up that i really needed to extend her A time and then she would again go to sleep no problem)
She wakes up anywhere between 7-8 am. Then we put her down for a nap between 12:30-1:00 sometimes even later if we are out. She usually naps for at least 3 hours but sometimes she just doesn't take a nap at all. Sometimes i need to wake her up a bit early if we need to go somewhere. Bedtime these days is between 7:30-8.

Offline deckchariot

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Re: lots of crying at bedtime
« Reply #5 on: July 17, 2009, 11:54:36 am »
Wow - that's a long nap - that may be the problem - with a 3 hr nap, she's just not tired enough at bedtime.  That may also be why some days she takes a nap and some days she doesn't - she needs less sleep than that nap, and so it's throwing everything off.  It sounds like she's been a textbook baby in terms of A times, so I'm guessing she is in terms of sleep needs as well.  At 2, the average nap is only 1.5 hrs, and then 11.5 hrs is the average night.  I would definitely start shortening that nap - do it gradually - just 15 min every 3-5 days.  She may initially be really unhappy that you woke her, but she will adjust and I suspect that will help your bedtime routine immensely.

also,  still try to use either wi/wo or gradual withdrawal rather than beginning any kind of accidental parenting if she's having issues at bedtime.  By continuing to go back for extra songs, you're just reinforcing to her that she should cry because then you'll sing another song.
