Having just read your post, I had to reply and say how much I understand what you are going through..... I also have PND and that always seem to affect everything around me and how I get through the day. In addition, my DD also sleeps well at home at home, but similarly, rarely sleeps out and about in the pram, other than a 20minute nap if she's really tired. I am dreading going back to work in a few weeks and am worried sick about her adapting to nursery and a new routine and sleeping as well as she does at home.... so I read with interest how you were getting on.....
I have no advice to offer really, other than to say I'm thinking of you, and fully appreciating how emotional it is for you, as every day is a rollercoaster ride isn't it. I'm sure you will get there soon, and your LO will adapt and flourish in his new environment, especially with you nearby to watch over him.
Take care,
Hippo Mum