Author Topic: stop having to pump at night?????  (Read 937 times)

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stop having to pump at night?????
« on: August 18, 2009, 22:03:22 pm »
I am pumping throughout the day and would like to get Solana to formula feed through her night feedings because the pumping is not working well over night for me. I'd like to continue giving her breastmilk but if I can't figure out a better way to feed her at night, i'll have to stop.  Is there a way suggested that will allow me to stop pumping through the night without becoming engorged but also able to still pump through the day, without hurting your milk supply?

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Re: stop having to pump at night?????
« Reply #1 on: August 20, 2009, 02:38:50 am »
Are you breastfeeding at all or are you just pumping?

If you are breastfeeding and just pumping while you are at work during the day, then missing that night feeding is going to effect your supply.  If you want to continue to exclusively breast feed (or give her only breast milk) you will have to continue to either breastfeed or pump at that night feeding.

If you are not breastfeeding, but pumping and giving breastmilk, then things are a little different. A lot of times the pump can't get out as much as a baby can, so you may have to end up supplementing with formula anyway if you can't get enough out with the pump (but this is just if you are pumping and NOT breastfeeding at all). 

Are you having trouble with your pumping supply at night? It is very common to have less milk at night. If that is the case, any amount of breast milk your daughter gets is good. If you can't get enough out at night, give her the few ounces that you pump and then give her some extra formula.  This is ONLY if you are exclusively pumping though. If you are breastfeeding her, then this is NOT a good idea because it is a good way to lose your supply. 

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Re: stop having to pump at night?????
« Reply #2 on: August 20, 2009, 10:18:34 am »
When I was exclusively pumping I decided to drop the night express as I could express enough for the whole day in 12 hrs anyway (I had LOTS of milk and DS drank very little due to reflux - I only needed 4oz for a feed for a 6mth old - so realise this is not normal) so I just stopped the night express.

I got quite engorged for about 5 days and then things settled. In the morning I would just express my 8oz (same as before) and leave it at that. Its just a matter of reprogramming your supply.

I didn't find it hurt my supply while I was still pumping at 7am, 10am, 2pm, 4pm, 7pm and 10pm. When I weaned to formula I found my supply dropped very quickly once I was only pumping 3-4 times a day. But this is very individual to the women. I took the view that I would pump for a long as I could.

Will your lo take formula? Have you tried? I found J would only do a 50:50 EBM to FF dilution whilst I was still BFing. It was much easier once he 'forgot' the BM taste.


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Re: stop having to pump at night?????
« Reply #3 on: August 20, 2009, 20:22:32 pm »
i too pumped at night.  I only pumped once and eventually stopped and pumped first thing in the morning. It didn't hurt my supply. I still pumped a good 8ozs. My lo was breast fed during the day and formula fed at night. Has your lo tried formula?