Author Topic: 6.5 month old - should I switch from single side feeding to both sides?  (Read 751 times)

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Offline jfbd6805

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We are having issues with NW (the NW board is trying to help me solve it:;msg=1716185;topic=153869.0;sesc=e492140873774eb1e90a1740563127e4)

One of the suggestions has been to start feeding her on both sides, instead of single side feeding. I have single side fed since birth so I am wondering if I would be making a big mistake to switch to two sided feeding  at this point, or if this is the only way to get her to sleep longer. She seems satisfied with single side feeding, is 'done' within 5 mins or a little longer occassionally and HATES to be relatched so I am not even sure if she would want to nurse on the other side as she doesn't even want to linger longer on the first side.

What do you think?

Offline Shaunie

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Re: 6.5 month old - should I switch from single side feeding to both sides?
« Reply #1 on: August 19, 2009, 19:27:47 pm »
I only ever single side fed both my LO's with no probs.  If she's waking due to hunger, she would feed for longer when she is nursing.  IMO babies stop feeding when they're full so this may explain why she hates being re-latched.  I can't really see the benefit of double side feeding at this stage but I'm no expert of course!

Offline LeeLeeMelis

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Re: 6.5 month old - should I switch from single side feeding to both sides?
« Reply #2 on: August 20, 2009, 01:29:12 am »
I only single side fed.  Only if she seems hungry after one side would I say to offer the second. I always was told that to get the most out of a feeding was to single side as they consumed the more calorie dense hind milk and it would sustain them longer. Could this be a growth spurt? How long have the NW's been happening?

Offline jfbd6805

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Re: 6.5 month old - should I switch from single side feeding to both sides?
« Reply #3 on: August 20, 2009, 02:12:53 am »
Forever! She slept as expected until about 4 months. Then we moved into a hotel for 2 months, moved across the country, and we finally moved into a new house about 2 weeks ago. Her NW started getting worse in the hotel. Basically I was afraid when she made noise in the night that she would wake my 2 year old so I nursed to sleep. Now I am paying for it now b/c she is up frequently at night. Funny thing is she always falls asleep independently during the daytime...

Offline Shaunie

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Re: 6.5 month old - should I switch from single side feeding to both sides?
« Reply #4 on: August 20, 2009, 09:23:36 am »
Exactly the same here, other than living in a hotel but we did have a house move when DS2 was 12 weeks & DS1 was almost 2.

DS2 slept as expected until about 4 months then I'd nurse in the night so that DS1 didn't wake!  This went on for a while & he would not resettle without a feed, even when offered water instead.  In the end, DH would go in & he resettled & within a few days was STTN for the 1st time & has done ever since!  He was about 10.5 mths but at least we got there.  Also remember, at 6 mth it's common for NW - with DS1 they stopped at around 7.5 mth.

Offline jfbd6805

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Re: 6.5 month old - should I switch from single side feeding to both sides?
« Reply #5 on: August 20, 2009, 20:10:09 pm »
Thanks everyone.

I won't switch to both sides then. My gut told me single side made most sense, especially as she is so efficient and would probably be mad if I switched and made her wait for her creamy milk!!! She is so quick it worries me... done within 5 mins and sometimes I have to relatch during just 5 mins too. It is tough.

Offline LeeLeeMelis

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Re: 6.5 month old - should I switch from single side feeding to both sides?
« Reply #6 on: August 20, 2009, 22:58:05 pm »
We did the same as well, moved from overseas at 7 months and were at my parents for a month and are in our new house now.Always slept independently during the day and got to sleep on his own for the night. It took DH going in and pu/pd for a few nights to let him know that there was no more nursing at night. We also had a sippy cup of water if he needed it. It's rough but will get better. Wesley slept through the night the last two nights, he's 13 months and that is the first time!

I found that at this age they have so much more do to than nurse 5 minutes is an ok time for a feeding. A better version of fast food:-)