Okay. DS is down for his nap so will try to post my reply before he wakes!
I think pps are correct, there are a couple of issues here: feeding to sleep (you are a prop so he can't get to sleep without BF) and packing in enough feeds during the day so that he's taking full feeds, avoiding snacking.
So here's what I'd perhaps try. If you can, bring breakfast to 8.15 latest. Feed before the nap if you still want to keep this feed. But don't feed to sleep. It will be hard on both of you, but I imagine that this first nap is one your older son doesn't take. So starting the change here, might make it easier by bedtime. So, feed, then while he's still awake (cosy drowsy), put him in his bed. It will be hard, but keep going. There are sleep training techniques you can try - PUPD, gradual withdrawl - to help, but the key is not to feed to sleep.
Right. See if you can bring lunch earlier than 1pm. Then offer a BF either before he goes down for the pm nap, or after. I'd suggest after instead of a snack. Bring dinner earlier (5.30) and start bedtime routine earlier. Basically so that the day is shorter - will help when this bedtime no feeding to sleep happens as it may take a while to get him down. If this is when older son is still up, that might take the pressure off you a little (if someone else can help you out, that is). Bedtime routine as is, but do not feed to sleep.
For the first 5 days at most, I'd suggest giving that late night feed IF he wakes for it. He's used to getting feeds all through the night so he may genuinely be hungry. After that point, you need to decide which you are more comfortable with - cold turkey no feeds, settle back to sleep with water only OR feed onside and put back into bed awake.
Right now, I don't think your son can self soothe. So all those moments when we come into light sleep at night for him cause him to wake because the prop he depends on to sleep isn't there. And he can't get back to sleep without it. Co-sleeping babes, from what I understand (not my personal experience) tend to be night snackers as it's there and it's comfort.
I really think this is primarily a sleep and prop issue - can't sleep independently and depends on BF to sleep. What do you think? If the sleep is something you feel ready to tackle, I can see if we can move this over to sleep where there may be more advice on that area, while not losing the BFg advice so far. Or our support.
What do you think? Let us know?