Author Topic: 17 month old, we're doing ok but do you think we need a tweak?  (Read 922 times)

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Offline Edesanja

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My DD is 17 months old and has been on mostly 1 nap since about 14.5 months. She has 2 naps (20 min am nap followed by pm nap  2.5 hours later) about once a week.

She sleeps really well at night - generally 11.45-12.45 hours but for about the past month has often been only having a 1hr-1hr15min nap. Now, I'm not sure if that's just because she's getting enough overall sleep and that's all she needs, or if it's something else. Ocassionally she'll have 1hr30 or more and I do find she is just that little bit happier if she has that extra 15mins.

I'm pregnant and the moment and am really sick. I have spent all day every day for the past 5 weeks on the couch or in bed.  My mum and a friend take her a couple of times a week in the mornings which is really helpful and I'm wondering if this is all just because on days when she's at home with me she's just not stimulated enough. I play with her when she brings me toys and we read a lot of books, but it's not like the outings, walks and running around in the garden that we used to do. I do find the days that she sleeps 1hr30mins or longer are usually days she's been out doing something fun.

Anyway, to get to my point, here is our routine. Do you think it needs a tweak? Maybe nap time slightly later. If so, when?

Wake 645-715
Nap 1200
Bed 1830

She's not getting overtired or anything (as long as bedtime is not much later than 1830 otherwise A time is just to long) so really it's not a huge problem. We're doing pretty well I think, but just after another brain to look things over! Thanks!
Jenny - mama to

Offline jordiwes

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Re: 17 month old, we're doing ok but do you think we need a tweak?
« Reply #1 on: August 31, 2009, 15:17:28 pm »
Hi there,
Sounds like you're all doing well over there. If anything, you might want to try pushing the nap 15 minutes later and see what happens. You also might want to try wake-to-sleep at the 50 minute mark and see if that makes a difference.
Oh how I long for a 12 hour night! Glad all is going well.

Offline EZ-EMom

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Re: 17 month old, we're doing ok but do you think we need a tweak?
« Reply #2 on: August 31, 2009, 16:23:19 pm »
She also might not need a 12 hour night any more.  E is just 18 months, and he has an 11 hour night and a 2.5 hour pm nap.  I've noticed if he goes to bed too early, his nights aren't short, but the nap the next day is. 

Offline Edesanja

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Re: 17 month old, we're doing ok but do you think we need a tweak?
« Reply #3 on: August 31, 2009, 21:58:15 pm »
Quote (selected)
She also might not need a 12 hour night any more.
Hmm I've thought of that, and I think it's true, but I can't seem to do anything about it! 1830 really seems to be her magic bedtime. She will sleep over 12 hours if she goes to bed then (which she needs to because of the short sleep). I have tried putting her to bed later (like 1900) when she's had a big sleep but she tends to do shorter nights (11hours) but doesn't do another long sleep so I can't really test it out further than that.  ::)

I'll give the W2S a go again too

Quote (selected)
Oh how I long for a 12 hour night!
It is lovely!
Jenny - mama to

Offline Edesanja

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Re: 17 month old, we're doing ok but do you think we need a tweak?
« Reply #4 on: September 12, 2009, 22:02:09 pm »
Well, we have finally shortened her night and lengthened her naps. It happened about a week or 10 days ago when she needed two naps. She slept really well in the afternoon and so we put her to bed at 1900. She then slept just under 12 hours and then has been taking 1hr45-2hr45 min naps since (usually 2 hours). I also pushed the nap out by 15mins. The way it was before wasn't bad and she wasn't getting OT but I think she is better rested this way (if that makes sense). And it's oh so nice to have some more Y time in the day and is also much easier to eat at my parents' and the in-laws' for dinner which we every week without having to be home super early.
Jenny - mama to

Offline EZ-EMom

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Re: 17 month old, we're doing ok but do you think we need a tweak?
« Reply #5 on: September 15, 2009, 00:41:09 am »
Yeah!  Glad you've got it all sorted out.  Isn't it wonderful...that long afternoon nap!