Hi ladies, I weaned my little girl off the breast onto bottles at the weekend and she has taken to the change fantasticly! She has only ever STTN about 4 times since birth an it getting more consistent now she is on formula. Since going onto formula, I no longer need to feed her through the night as she usually accepts her dummy & goes back to sleep. However, I think I've got something slightly wrong on her routine as she is resisting daytime napping and is now EW around 4:30/5am and is wide awake!
Kirsty's routine is started from the time she wakes which is around 6-7am but the last week it had been consistently 7am (I usually get up once per night to replug her dummy, this is enough to help her go back to sleep, but the last few days hasn't worked at 5am)
E - 7am: 8-9oz milk, 1/4 weetabix & 3tsps fruit
S - 9:30-11/11:30
E - 11/11:30 depending on waking up: 9oz milk, 3tsps veggies
S - 2-3:30/4
E - 3:30/4 depending on waking up: 9oz miilk, 3tsps veggies
S - 6:30 we begin bedtime routine which is bath, 8-9oz bottle and bed. She is in bed consistently by 7/7:10pm at the latest.
For naps & bedtime, she is put to her cot awake with dummy and blanket. At bedtime she gets her mobile on (it's white-noise-like waves, no movement, no lights). Any NWs which I need to go replug her dummy, she doesn't get her mobile on unless she doesn't settle after 30mins of replugging/reassuring (very uncommon). Since going onto formula, she will sleep 7ish pm until around it had been 5/5:30am, we would replug & she would sleep until 6:30/7am. Now it's becoming earlier and not going back to sleep.
For the NWs/EWs she only yells for us to go replug, then she either goes to sleep or she will talk away to herself until I get up... she can quite happily talk away for 1-1.5 hrs

This doesn't sound so bad, but if she EWs at 5am, and talks to herself until 6/6:30 when I get up, she's ready for a nap quite soon already which upsets the rest of the day.
Should I mover her onto a 4hr EASY? She does start getting tired after 2.5hrs of being awake so I'm unsure. The past few days she has resisted her first nap altho she is giving tired cues - rubbing eyes, yawning, getting grumpy. Yesterday she refused her first nap, eventually went off when I took her out a walk in the buggy, she took another 1 hour nap in the afternoon but was reluctant to go off again. Today she refused to nap until she eventually fell asleep at 10:50am and slept 1 hour. Then had her usual 2-4pm sleep perfectly, no resistance.
Any ideas where I need to tweak please?When she doesn't nap or short naps, she is a grumpy girl