I actually think I agree with you both on the milk & the solids. My HV really hasn't been much help to me with regards to introducing solids. I feel like the blind leading the blind, not too sure what I'm doing, and as Kirsty is my first baby, i'm kinda learning as I go. As she was happily eating what I was giving her, it hadn't occurred to me to increase the amount of solids, until yesterday... I looked about online at how much an average 7m old is eating and it seems I'm really not giving Kirsty a lot at all.
So yesterday I doubled her food portions, I figure as you say - she'll eat what she can and refuse what she doesn't want. It seems common that a baby of her age would eat 1 full stage1 jar of savoury plus 1 full stage1 jar of fruit/pudding for each meal. 1 jar is approx 5oz, So now she is getting apporx 4-5oz worth of veggies plus a little fromage frais for lunch, and approx 4-5oz worth of veggies & same agin of fruit for dinner. 1/2 weetabix and 4 tsps of fruit for breakfast.
Plus will offer her whatever milk she wants across the 4 daytime feeds.
I think I've realised what may have been bothering her the past few days - she had a really unsettled night lastnight and I realised at 3am she has a cold. This is her first time ever being poorly, she's never had anything other than colic/teething. At 3am, I gave her calpol and 5oz milk which settled her until 6am this morning, bless her. She took all her milk at breakfast, wasn't fussy for solids but I'm ok with that, I don't often feel like eating when I'm sick, so as long as she takes her milk and picks at food, I'm ok with that until she's better. I gave her calpol with breakfast and she went back to bed at 8:30am, quite happily, she actually was "asking" for bed, very tired indeed. Seems like she will take after me - when I'm sick, all I want to do is sleep.
I had a cold earlier in the week which started out with a very sore throat for a day or 2, so that's probably what she has had the past few days. I'll give it a few days to settle & get over this illness then see how she goes - I'm sure you will see me back again