I am working really hard with DS to not get into the quagmire I got myself into with DD but I cannot seem to get A times right for him.

He's 11 weeks on Saturday and he always yawns for the first time at the 45 min mark of being awake. He's on a 3 hour easy. Today looked something like this:
E 7am - I woke him after a fitful stretch in the latter part of the night
S 8:06 - swaddle, in bed and eyes closed, cried out at 9:13, put paci back in - woke 9:54
E 10 am
S Was getting fussy by 10:46 so headed upstairs at 10:52 to swaddle begin routine etc. Laid him down at 11. 11:35 cried out and eyes were open, gave paci again. Same thing at 12:15
E 1:05 I woke him (first time I have ever woken a sleeping baby other than to start the day and boy did I regret it this afternoon!)
S 2:10 Laid down with paci, woke up over and over and repaci etc
So basically at this point you can see what's going on - to me it looks like he's OT, but here's my problem: up till today I have always gone by watching his cues and have still be getting a wakeup at 45 minutes and mostly he was smiley and happy so I figured UT - thus the trying to push him just a tad to perhaps get longer naps without the waking.
Help please!