Hi All I posted this on the birth club 12-18 month board yesterday and it was suggested by the mod.
that I pop it here too to get even more advice.... so here goes!
Our LO turns 13 months tomorrow....and I thought I might be able to get some advice from parents going thru or who have gone thru this......
..... That being the dreaded EW"S
I wondered if anyone can help me sort a couple of things out.
Eva is transitioning from 2 to one sleep and mostly only takes one......however this is causing (I think ) EW's somewhere between 5am and 5.30am . and that's her up for the day (usu goes to bed at night bout 6.30/7pm)
I have tried to extend the a.m. "A" time, but whilst she is able to manage about 4-4 and a half in the mornign this is still makiing her first sleep VERY early given the EW... and often she still doesn't take an arvo sleep after this.
She will sleep for about 1 and a half -2 hrs ish. This leads me to the next Q...... how long do you let you Lo's sleep for?.... I know it was recommended for sleeps to be capped at 2 hrs when they were little to stop NW's starting, but I have, occasionally to test the theory, let her sleep longer and this isn't effected.....(however, maybe this is contributing to the EW's - I just don't know!)
LO has been teething, thou not bothering her now, and had 12mth jabs and was poorly for a few days there about a week or so ago, but apart from the EW"s, all is better!
Also just wondering what the recommended amount of day sleep total is for this age? ?
Bit confused! would appreciate any thoughts,
p.s.Since posting this yesterday I did get some good advice but even more would be greatly appreciated so that I can get a consensus on what people are doing
Ta x