DD has been on 1 nap since she was 9.5 months old (

:oWOW I know!!) but she slept about 30-45 minutes more each day this way and she made the transition very well so I just went with it

. She has been doing 11 hours at night and a consistent 2-2.25 hour nap since then, UNTIL LAST WEEK THAT IS!!!

Her two top teeth have been coming in and she has had diarreah all week from it as well as a little diaper rash so I'm thinking this could contribute to her poor sleeping

. Her sleep had a sudden change as I remember right around the beginning of the teething which lead to NWings (self settles 90% of the time), earlier wakings and shorter naps.
Do you all think that this is the cause or if less sleep will be a permanent change??
Her schedule used to look like this:
Wake: 08:00
Sleep: 12:00-14/14:15
Sleep: 21:00
I have her playgroups right when she would normally take a nap, that is just over 4 hours after she wakes so I have to put her to sleep a little later on those days. It is not an option to stay at home for naps rather than taking advantage of our only occasion to socialize..
Here is what she's doing now:
Wake: 07:15
Sleep: 12:00-13:45 (15-30 minutes less for her nap)
Sleep: 08:30 (sleeps 10 hours 45minutes at night)
For a grand total of 30-45 minutes less sleep in the total 24hour period.
I am keeping in mind the time change which will occur and would really like her to be waking no earlier that 07:00 when this occurs. So along with our current sleep issues I also need to gradually get her to wake up an hour later.
Does that make ANY sense??
Thanks All!!