My DD is 5 mos and we're struggling a lot with short naps. She is able to go 4 hrs without eating, but the short naps make the transition to 4 hr easy really impossible it seems. She just gets so completely OT and I don't know how to deal with her A times. It ends up becoming EASA...and then getting 4 hrs is just impossible. We have been on EASY for quite awhile now and she has had periods of great napping. Around 4 mos we started moving her off the swaddle and that was deadly for sleep generally. Fortunately, we've had good nights lately - no NW and even the EW is manageable now - but the naps are getting worse. Swaddled she'll go exactly 45 mins, unswaddled we're lucky to get 30. She is not swaddled at night and sleeps fine, but for naps she has a really hard time settling unswaddled and won't sleep on her tummy (which she does at night). I know lots of people have struggled with this and welcome any advice! She is EBF and her EASY looks something like this:
7 - wake and BF
715 - A
845 - start wind down
9 - S (she goes down really well with a paci and swaddle, a bit slower unswaddled)
945 - wake, try to settle her, but rarely get any more sleep in the first EASY
...and here is where it goes off the rails...
10 - gentle A until she gets fussy, then BF, often no longer than 3.25 hr EASY
1015 -A
1145 - usually pretty fussy by 1.5 hrs post BF, stretch it if possible, but usually start wind down early
12 - S (today was 30 mins, plus 40 mins of PUPD with no extra sleep)
1-115 - BF if it is clear she is not going to sleep more...
245 - start wind down
3-345 - S
415ish - BF
A until 630 unless she falls asleep in a car, swing or stroller
630 - bath, massage
650 - BF
715 - bed
1030 - DF
I usually end up feeding her closer to 3 hrs or 3.25 after battling to extend her nap. She is usually so mad at me, she is hungry
I am having virtually no luck extending naps with PUPD, especially if she is unswaddled. Today we had a 40 min battle and it was miserable for both of us! Is it better just to hold off the E? We've just made it to 2 hrs of A in the last week or so...and some mornings she can't even make it 2 hrs if she has been awake a bit in her crib playing before 7. I just find it really difficult to keep to EASY with the short naps.
Thanks for any help!