Author Topic: Suggestions for Starting EASY at 12 weeks  (Read 753 times)

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Offline whitty76

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Suggestions for Starting EASY at 12 weeks
« on: September 16, 2009, 13:44:43 pm »
Hello,  I have just started reading tbw and would like some pointers as to an EASY schedule.  little on is bottle feeding every 4 hours.

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Re: Suggestions for Starting EASY at 12 weeks
« Reply #1 on: September 16, 2009, 14:17:27 pm »
Hi there!  As far as pointers go, the first one I have is to remember that EASY is a guide for your day, *cough* not a schedule for exact deadlines for you to meet (this has been very hard for me to learn...and I still am).  Keeping this in mind as you go throughout your day takes a lot of pressure off of you and helps you tune into your LO better.

Is your LO on a natural schedule as it is, e.g. LO is consistent about waking up at a certain time in the morning, wants to go to bed at a certain time every night, can last x number of minutes in between naps?  If so, then that can make the transition into EASY very smooth.
*formerly tersaseda*


Offline whitty76

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Re: Suggestions for Starting EASY at 12 weeks
« Reply #2 on: September 16, 2009, 15:28:26 pm »
Hi there, Things have got a little confusing after a growth spurt two weeks ago where LO wanted to feed every 2 hours.  Since then I have been mis reading signals and trying to feed after 3 hours.  Hence little one only taking 2oz and then not wanting any more.  I panicked and thought she had gone off her food, but have now realised she wasn't hungry!

Prior to that spurt she would wake any time from 6.30am to 7.30am, would feed every 4 hours and had started to sleep through (only lasted 3 nights!) having gone to bed after last feed at 10.30pm

Offline ~Sara~

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Re: Suggestions for Starting EASY at 12 weeks
« Reply #3 on: September 16, 2009, 16:53:27 pm »
So, it sounds like your DD can go about 4 hrs between feeds while on formula...but being only ~3 months old, probably can't be on a 4 hour EASY with her A times.  My recommendation would be to put her on a 3 hour EASY to start, then over the next month, see if developmentally, she can get to that 4 hour EASY at ~4 months (that's Tracy's recommendation, but not all LOs can do that).  I'm actually in this process myself, trying to get a good hold on the 3.5h EASY right now ::)

Anywho--back to you!  It sounds like you're lucky with the nighttime and the wake-up times!  Woohoo!  Now, the time in-between will probably get better as she gets on the EASY routine.  I know that her not sttn is a bummer...might I ask what she normally does at night (eat, want to play, just needs to be resettled)?

Since she's used to eating on a routine, I don't think you'll have much to worry about getting her used to being on EAS.  Personally, I was a bit clueless when I started my DS on it at 8 weeks, and just woke up one morning and started doing it.  He, like your DD, was already used to eating on a routine and we tried to get him through the night as best we could.  He does pretty well on it :)

Just some questions about her daytime behavior: how long does she normally nap for?  How long can she stay awake in between naps?

Also, here's an excerpt from Tracy's "The Baby Whisperer Solves All Your Problems," page 43, re: starting your baby on EASY:

1) From the sidebar:

Starting EASY: What Am I in For? (these are estimates; some babies take less or more time)
4-9 months: Although babies take significant strides during this period, most require 2 days of observing and 3-7 days on reprogramming their day and night.

2) Paraphrasing here: Tracy says to follow the suggested EASY routine times very rigidly at first, just during the retraining period.  Then, once your baby is on a routine, things become much more flexible.

I'm sure that more experienced people will come along and be able to help out more...I hope that I'm helping your get there, somewhat :)

Do you have a copy of the 3h EASY routine?  I can post the one that Tracy provides in the book I mentioned above, if you would like.
*formerly tersaseda*


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Re: Suggestions for Starting EASY at 12 weeks
« Reply #4 on: September 16, 2009, 20:23:22 pm »
There are a few links that may help

Sara has given you some great advice  :)

I agree that you may need to seperate the eating and sleeping scedhule for a while until your lo can handle 2hrs awake time.

How long can she stay awake at the moment before giving tired signs and needing a nap?

Offline whitty76

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Re: Suggestions for Starting EASY at 12 weeks
« Reply #5 on: September 23, 2009, 20:05:36 pm »
Hi Guys, thanks for the advice.  I have details of the 3hr easy so am going to give it a go!.  I will make sure that I write timings down to help me observe her for the next couple of days.  :)  Good news is she is back to sleeping from about 10pm to 6am ish!

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Re: Suggestions for Starting EASY at 12 weeks
« Reply #6 on: September 24, 2009, 01:33:43 am »
Congrats on the night sleep :)  It's amazing how refreshed YOU feel when they sleep well.  Keep us updated!

*sends BW vibes your way*
*formerly tersaseda*