I've been thinking and I'm doubting it's the molar thing. He's never really had a hard time with any teeth coming in , and he doesn't show any signs of pain or discomfort , red cheeks, hands in mouth, nothing.... so I think it's safe to rule that out. The part I can't figure out is NOTHING has changed! We havn't moved recently.. ( we will be in 6 weeks, but i havn't packed anything yet), baby isn't due for another 2 months, so it's still just the two of us all day.... we do the same routine before his naptimes... so i'm just at a loss! It's so frustrating! The only thing I can think of is that he has too much in his room in terms of things to do and explore... toys, drawers etc. I have no wehre else i can put his toys for now, ( at the new house he will have his toys in the play room) and most of them are all in the closet (doors closed) and in bins. Is it possible that he is tired, but can't fall asleep cause he feels there is so much to do in there? I always hear him playing before he falls asleep, and sometimes he falls asleep on the floor witht he toys all aorund him... so i know he just was too tired to keep playing. My sister in law suggested to me to put hm in the car at his sleep time ( he will fall asleep in the car if he's really tired) and lelt him sleep in the car for an hour or so. SHe said do it for three days to get him napping again at the same time, then try on the 4th day putting him in his bed at that same time... i don't know... i don't want him getting used to the car to make him fall asleep...
It's been a week now with no day naps and he is not coping well, i'm so scared that he is going to be chronically tired and a whole bunch of new issues will pop up due to this. Thanks again to all who had/have advice for me!!!