So a history of our DS. Started sleeping 8-10 hour stretches at 5.5 weeks, then at 3 months we started getting multiple NWs, EWs, and problems with naps. Since then we seem to have a few good days or maybe a week or two (usually after help from the lovely ladies on here

) then everything will go bad again for weeks. So he is now 9.5 months, and we have had a really bad few weeks, and I would appreciate help again. He just had a whole bunch of teeth come in, which is why I waited to ask for help. I think *fingers crossed* that he is done for a bit, so it would be great if we could get in a good routine again, as he is seriously OT. He does have reflux, but for the last couple months it has not seemed to bother him much, and he is eating quite a bit better. He has a lovey, but does not have a paci. I have been APing him to sleep a lot because of the teething. And teething. And teething, etc.

He will still fall back asleep on his own sometimes, and sometimes seems to need the AP.
Our routine yesterday was:
7:00a Wake
10:30-12:30 Sleep
4:00-5:00 Sleep
8:00pm put him to bed, but he didn't fall asleep until 9:30

I tried cutting his second nap to 45 min today, thinking he got too much sleep yesterday, but he still didn't fall asleep until 9:00.
I know the second nap is really late, but it is becoming more of a catnap than an actual nap (I think he is starting his 2-1 transition).
Last night after he fell asleep at 9:30, he slept for 45min, then woke up, and after that would wake up every half an hour until midnight. At midnight he woke up and was up until 1:20am, then fell asleep until 3:00, fell back asleep until 5:00, up again at 5:30, and then from 6:00 until 7:00 he was up every 10 minutes.
His naps seem to be fine, it just seems to be the NWs. When he wakes up, he will sometimes put himself back to sleep, or he will sit up in his crib and scream/cry until I go and get him. Then I have to rock him for awhile while he moans/whines before he will fall back asleep.
I am also wondering if him taking so long to fall asleep at bedtime has anything to do with the fact that DH puts DS to bed when he gets home from work early enough. Tonight he had DS for about 50min and couldn't get him to fall asleep, so I went in and DS fell asleep about 7 min later.

I would appreciate any insights!