londonmama, yay on a pretty good night!

I hope they continue. {{{hugs}}} on the food refusal. It's never fun.

Good luck on your thread! LizJ and huntersmummyinoz have helped me tons in the past. They are great at seeing something I have missed, so hopefully they can help you out a bit as well! I might just pop over there and have a listen.

Our DSs do sound really similar. We also thought we had a great sleeper. Some of my ILs and friends were talking about their LOs and how they wouldn't sleep, and I thought, "we are so lucky he sleeps so well. This isn't that bad." Really regretting those thoughts now.....

Our night last night wasn't too bad until 1, when apparently he decided the few hours of sleep had gotten enough. We will see how tonight is.
Sending lots of sleepy vibes back your way, and I hope your DH is home soon!