Author Topic: Please help for 9.5 mo multiple NWs again  (Read 2910 times)

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Re: Please help for 9.5 mo multiple NWs again
« Reply #15 on: September 26, 2009, 07:16:05 am »
Sounds like he does need an increase overall but I agree not to bother whilst teething and reflux are part of the bag.

I guess he may need a lower final A but only if the pm nap has shortened quite a bit. But 2.75 hrs after a long nap sounds very short for a 9+ mth old.

Offline aimeeL

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Re: Please help for 9.5 mo multiple NWs again
« Reply #16 on: September 26, 2009, 14:31:08 pm »
Oooh - 4 hrs of straight sleep IS nice..  ;D  Hope it continues to get better - but probably not during the really bad teething times...

TBH, we had to go all the way down to 2.75 hrs at our "lowest" pt... I couldn't believe it myself - and this was right about when L was 9.5 mo, I think.. but yeah - we did 2.75 hrs for at least a couple wks.. I had to very consciously remind myself to start nursing her at 2.5 hrs, otherwise, we'd miss the window!!  And this was all while we were doing 3.25-3.5 hrs of A time the rest of the day!  So anyways - of course, Riley may not need this, but it worked for us...

L's appetite is a bit better - I think we passed the bad teething.. and now are just into toddler pickiness..  ::)

Offline londonmama

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Re: Please help for 9.5 mo multiple NWs again
« Reply #17 on: September 26, 2009, 18:38:41 pm »
Well for me last night was great - yesterday I managed a catnap in the buggy at 5:00 and he went down at 7:00 and then slept through until 5:45!  Bliss.  So I think it is when he is OT at bedtime that the problems with NW start.

But not sure how to avoid OT at bedtime when most days he won't nap long in the PM and he won't catnap.  Today he had 1 hr 15 min in the AM, then barely 3 hrs A time before another nap.  Slept for only 40 mins and then was awake from 1:30 pm until bedtime!  Tried for a catnap in the buggy but he just babbled then screamed from about 4:00 until 6:15 when I put him to bed.

I have NEVER managed a long afternoon nap no matter what A times I use.  It seems like our better days are the ones where he has his shortest A time of the day before bed, but I just can't manage to get there if he won't nap for long in the PM and won't catnap most days.  The only thing I can think of is pushing his AM nap way later to push the whole day later, but he is often up by 5:45 and very grizzly by 9 AM.

Things are complicated by the fact that he is REFUSING solids the last couple of weeks.  Since he got a cold.  So now I never know if he is hungry and whether to be offering nursing more often, but then nursing ends up right before a nap....

ARGH and GRRR indeed.  Though I guess I should be grateful for my good night last night.  Am sure it will not be repeated after dodgy naps today.

Sending you sleepy vibes Rileysmum!

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Re: Please help for 9.5 mo multiple NWs again
« Reply #18 on: September 26, 2009, 19:13:41 pm »
BTW, I'm going to start my own thread so I stop hijacking yours but will keep checking in and offering comiserations!

Amazing how similar our DSs sound.  Mine was also sleeping 10 hours at 5.5 weeks.  Thought we had the best sleeper around!  Then it all went belly up at 3 months.  Pretty much didn't recover until 8 months when I stopped feeding at night.  Then it got better for a month.  Now it is belly up again.

Offline Rileysmum

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Re: Please help for 9.5 mo multiple NWs again
« Reply #19 on: September 27, 2009, 01:54:21 am »
Thanks Liz.  :) I will keep fiddling around with his A times, and see if it helps. 

The last incisor is starting to cut through, so hopefully it won't bug him for much longer, but I noticed today his gum is a bit swollen where his top left canine is. :P I thought it was too early for those.  Hopefully it waits a bit.

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Re: Please help for 9.5 mo multiple NWs again
« Reply #20 on: September 27, 2009, 01:59:59 am »
aimeeL, it is great you are passed the bad teething.  Yay!  ;D  I'm not looking forward to the pickiness.   :-\  Our LO has been kind of picky the last few days, but I'm not sure if that is related to the teething and reflux, as he is still eating some things. Thanks for you advice!  I think I'm going to try the 3 hrs for a couple more days, and see if he will actually fall asleep after 3 hrs. ::)

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Re: Please help for 9.5 mo multiple NWs again
« Reply #21 on: September 27, 2009, 02:43:40 am »
londonmama, yay on a pretty good night!  ;D  I hope they continue.  {{{hugs}}} on the food refusal.  It's never fun.   :-\

Good luck on your thread!  LizJ and huntersmummyinoz have helped me tons in the past. They are great at seeing something I have missed, so hopefully they can help you out a bit as well!  I might just pop over there and have a listen.   ;)

Our DSs do sound really similar.  We also thought we had a great sleeper.  Some of my ILs and friends were talking about their LOs and how they wouldn't sleep, and I thought, "we are so lucky he sleeps so well. This isn't that bad."  Really regretting those thoughts now.....  :P ::)

Our night last night wasn't too bad until 1, when apparently he decided the few hours of sleep had gotten enough.  We will see how tonight is.

Sending lots of sleepy vibes back your way, and I hope your DH is home soon!  :)

Offline Rileysmum

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Re: Please help for 9.5 mo multiple NWs again
« Reply #22 on: September 29, 2009, 02:18:38 am »
Woohooo! Only 1 NW last night!  :)

Offline jopan78

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Re: Please help for 9.5 mo multiple NWs again
« Reply #23 on: September 29, 2009, 02:38:10 am »
I am going to follow this thread for the information and support.

my 9.5 mth DD has been waking after 30-45min night sleep, wakes up 1-4 times a night from teething/ cold/ OT. from the replies/ posts above, I may try reducing her A time before bedtime and see what happens.

her A time for nap is very inconsistent and i seldom get good naps even with the same A time.

She is also sitting up after sleeping and needs help to go back to sleep sometimes. before bed, she will practise standing in the crib for at least 15-30min.

My DD only STTN less than a handful of times and has been waking up to nurse 1-2 times since 6mths as we were travelling long distance/ visiting family/ relocating and she sitting/ crawling/ standing/ teething/ cold. with so much things going on, I am at my wit's end too :(

Offline Rileysmum

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Re: Please help for 9.5 mo multiple NWs again
« Reply #24 on: September 29, 2009, 02:54:16 am »
jopan78, Huge {{{hugs}}}  :-*

Have you thought of posting your routine? The mods on here are really great at helping you figure out if your routine needs a tweak. They have helped me lots of times.  

Another thread of an LO about the same age was started by londonmama.  I have been following that one as well. I think there are a couple others as well.  I'm pretty sure koe2moe has one too.

« Last Edit: September 29, 2009, 02:56:47 am by Rileysmum »

Offline aimeeL

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Re: Please help for 9.5 mo multiple NWs again
« Reply #25 on: September 29, 2009, 04:16:37 am »
Woo-hoo, rileysmum!!  That's awesome!!! 

jopan78 - so sorry... sounds like you've been having a rough time.. as you've already read, the key to L's success with that waking-30-min-after-bedtime was the shortened A time.. what's your EASY looking like?