Author Topic: Advice needed on routine please help i'm confused! naps cutting into bedtime  (Read 623 times)

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Offline 2Roses

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Hi everyone,

Please bare with me as i'm not very good at explaining things online! Well I did EASY with my first child and things are going quite well now with my second but its been so long i'm getting confused! and need to ask a few questions,
right i will give you a rough idea of my day first.

My daughter Summer  is 3 months old.

She wakes around 6.30/7ish

i've been giving first bottle around 8 am

Nap 10am  -12pm

Bottle 12pm

if at home nap 2pm- 3.30/4

Bottle 4

this is where the problem is she do i let her have her usual nap which would be around 6 til bedtime 8? or do i keep her up?

Now i will explain, my other daughter goes to school and its about an hour walk, i do have a car but i need to get out as i am on my own most of the time, and i enjoy the walk and want the exercise and my other little girl also enjoys it. So the routine fits well when she sleeps in her pushchair for most of the walk, the rest of her naps she has in cot, and some days won't have a long nap in pushchair because she is not used to it therefore making her tired later which doesn't help with second problem...

Her last bottle before bedtime bottle works out at 4,which means her naptime around 5.30/6 cuts into bedtime if i leave her she will just sleep right into bedtime, but i can't keep her awake for 4 hours?  i am really confused, i do i move bedtime? do i wake her from nap? i just don't know.

I also used to give a dreamfeed at 10.30/11 which seemed to work well but then since all the bedtime has been messed up she has still been waking around 5.30.

I also wondered has anyone ever not done the usual dreamfeed but gone in just before their usual stiring time..say 4.30am and gave a dreamfeed then to make them sleep a bit later?

Oh none of this probably makes sense to anyone else!  i would just like to find a way around the bedtime thing and know what other people have done

Thanks alot for listening to me waffle on...if anyone has got this far! any advice would be appreciated : )
« Last Edit: September 18, 2009, 12:36:15 pm by 2Roses »

Offline nelliestar

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 My LO has a teatime bottle at 4 and a bedtime bottle at 7. If your LO wakes at 7ish I would aim to get her to bed around 7 too - thats what we do. BW suggests trying to aim for a 12 hour day.I know the time between those bottles is shorter than usual but I don't think that matters much - she just may not take the full feed. That sometimes happens with us but doesn't cause problems. Then you could DF 10.30 - 11pm and maybe she won't be as hungry at 4.30? (fingers crossed!!)
I know mt DS is much older than yours but we would have done a similar thing at 3 mths too.
Hope this helps!
Nell xxx
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