And, is there any way to avoid OT with only 35 min naps?? I feel like there is no hope here, b/c no matter what the A time is, EVERY nap is 35 min. SOMETIMES I can extend, but often not, or often he is awake for 25 min as I'm trying to extend, and then another short nap. I understand that it is developmental, but EVERY nap?? Everyone I talk to here about this is "floored" by how he wakes up consistently at 35 min, none of their kids every did it, so it's just frustrating.
After a short nap, we reduce Awake time, but that NEVER gives us a longer nap after, just another 35 min one. Our awake time is getting so short b/c of this that it feels like it's back to newborn days with not being able to leave