Pamela, It is a great idea to put her on EASY! It has worked for so many of us! For now as she is only 6 wo dont worry too much to get there soon.It is a process and she is so super duper young so for now just try what you can and watch her reactions so that you can try to get to know her and her temperament, that will help you big time all the way. No stress at all, you ll get there surely!!
For the bath: there are no rules! really the more I talk to mothers the more I discover how different approaches can be.
For many it works to only give a bath twice a week. Why not? if that saves you hastle and fits you and your husband better. You can also give her a "dry bath" as they call it here. Meaning you do not actually put her in the bath tub, but you wash her where you normally change the diapers with gloves from a small plastic whatever containing water. It is also an option just to wash her butt when you have no time for a normal bath.
Does she like taking a bath? If she does and it calms her down then of course it is nice to do every day. We have been giving a bath almost every day since DS was born. he loves it and that is the cornerstone of our evening routine. that is how he know it is good night time. But there are many other ways to set your routine. For us I always fed (BF) after the bath, because it was soooo easy to put him to sleep after (for a while he fell asleep while nursing and in the beginning I did not mind.)
Have you checked the boards for reflux info? there are many many good advice that helped us (my DS had reflux too but had outgrew it by around 7 mo) remember to keep her upright after feeds, my lo could sleep like that in my arms and then I put him down to sleep. Have you elevated the head side of the crib?
hugs and
