Hi Liz,
thanks for the reply. I know that I have to change my idea about not waking a sleeping baby eventually, but right now he has so bad night sleeps (never gets 10hours even though he spends that much time trying to sleep) that I am happy when he catches up during the day. He usually doesn't make it over 12 to 14h of sleep every 24h. I had days when he didn't sleep that much during the day, but his night wasn't much better so I don't think that is the problem for his night wakings. As soon as I got the night going better I want to get the days better, but I might be thinking backwards?
He usually doesn't has 3h sleep stretches during the day, it is the rare occasion. Also, even if I try to give him a 12h night it wount work cause he wakes early. I don't see the sense of walking around the room for 45min at 6.30am trying to get him back to bed, when he is obviously not tired.
I also can't really put him to bed before 7pm because he has one or two longer stretches (2 or 3h, rarely 4) in the night and then wakes every hour, so that when I finally go to bed he has had all his long stretches and I have to wake every hour, which is sooo tiring.
The problem is that I don't know where to start. I tried making his day better and more organized but it didn't help at night. Maybe I wasn't consistent enough but I just want to give him as much sleep as I can and that includes a fair bit during the day right now.