I'm not sure if this is the right place to post this question, so please move if required.
My DD2 was born 6 weeks early, and is now 12 weeks adjusted age. She has always been quite sleepy, but started spending more time awake in the last few weeks, doing about 1 hr A time when she was 9 weeks adjusted. She seemed ready to stretch it a bit longer to 1h10m last week, so I just followed her cues and put her down when sleepy. However, the last couple of days she seems to have really regressed, and can only handle about 40 minutes, starting to fuss around 30 mins. She just doesn't seem herself, and is maybe happy for 10 mins after waking up in the am & after naps but then starts fussing. She can self soothe, so we're not doing any AP. I may do a little bit of ssh/pat sometimes, but it seems to infuriate her more than anything, so I tend to just put her into her bassinette and she sticks her fingers in her mouth & falls asleep. Sometimes she cries really hard, and I find it's better to leave her there stroking her gently, patting or holding my hand on her chest, and just stay with her until she calms down. Picking her up seems to just aggravate her more.
She has reflux, so I'm wondering if this is bothering her more, and will check with the paed when I go for her checkup this week, but she still naps well, so not sure it's the reflux.
Could she be going through a growth spurt? Do LOs sometimes get extremely sleepy during these?
Our routine is a bit all over the place because of her sleepiness, but she feeds about every 4 hours, and used to do 45-60 min am & catnap + a long 3 hr mid day nap. The last couple of days she's done 2 am naps if about 1 hr each, long mid day nap of about 2-2.5 hrs & 1 hr catnap. Bed time is 6.30. Dreamfeed (slightly stirred to eat) is 10.30. She tends to stir at 4 am, sometimes needs a feed to get back to sleep, sometimes, resettles herself, and is then awake around 6.30am. She is formula fed.
Any tips or advice would be helpful. I thought she was supposed to be able to handle more A time at this age, but not so...?