OK so i see there's not been a post for a few months, but I'm wondering if anyone has any suggestions for me.
My DS is now 15 months and recently moved into a toddler bed. A little earlier than i'd expected, but there was a good chance of him hurting himself in the crib- i had an older one and he'd hold the railing and press his neck against it and make choking sounds

so we decided it'd be better to move him into a toddler bed. We took him to IKEA with us and had the biggest grin when he crawled up into a toddler bed and snuggled the pillow. So far he's had no problems with the transition so i'd like to work on him falling back to sleep on his own again. a bit of his baby history......
After reading Tracy's first baby whisperer book while I was expecting, I was quite diligent when Declan came along that he would learn to fall asleep on his own. E.A.S.Y worked very well for him. He was an angel baby so it wasn't hard to lay him down with his suckie once he was tired and he would drift off to dream land no problem. He was sleeping through the night at a few months, I cluster fed after supper and never woke him for night time feedings.
When he was about a year and started having more teeth come I comforted him more to go to sleep and on occasion when I was very tired, bring him to our bed. When he is worn out enough and put to bed at a decent time (7:30) he does go to sleep with in 5- 10 min with me in the room. But when he's overtired n such then it does take longer. He does wake up on occasion during the night. The times of waking are very inconsistent and does seem to have something bothering him, gassy or teething - he has a mouthful now, got his first at four months.... first molars and eye teeth already.... so you can see that he'd wake up at night on occasion. The times he does sleep through the night he is very happy and content in the mornings.
Since having him in his new bed I'm doing my best to have him and only him sleep in it.... not bring him to our bed and not sleeping in his with him. I have slept on the floor when i knew he wasn't feeling well though.
I want to teach him to sleep on his own again but yet still keep a good association with his new bed. Feeling tricky so far. But before looking on the forums I tried WI/WO for the first time during afternoon nap time, then once he was sleeping - after giving in

I hopped on the site and i found out that there are many others like me

I wish i had time to read them all. But from what i have had time to read my situation might be different....
So far he seems to think it's a game of peek-a-boo when i walk out so he comes out to find me once i've gone. So far i've tried with the door closed - then when i open the door he's standing there and giggles. I've tried with the door open and peaking my head in and talking to him encouraging him to lie back down to go nite nites before he wakes up, as soon as I peek around the door frame he giggles....
Maybe he needs to go in steps? while in his crib yet i used my hand to comfort him when he was over tired. So first i make sure that he's sleeping good without me touching him. (Been doing that the last bit anyways) Then maybe i should try leaving when he's closer to drifting off as opposed to right after he's tucked in. and as he gets comfortable with that, then work on walking in and walking out?

Any ideas anyone?