Nicole, we had some success this morning cracking the EWs. T has been waking 5-5:30 for maybe a week or more, and I was pretty sure it was habitual (but of course I was in the bad habit of feeding at that time too
). I guess I did wiwo. Yesterday morning I went in, laid him down and told him to go back to sleep, then left. Gave him a few minutes and he fussed (but not cried really) and did go back to sleep until almost 7. This morning he slept right until 6:30. Now I know what I have to do! I guess the less I bother with him the faster he learns to go back to sleep.
I realize it's different with Ava, mainly because you don't feed so she doesn't have that reason to wake. But I think wiwo might work for you. It would be hard the first day I would imagine, maybe even the second, but she should get the point fairly quickly. I know T usually 'gets it' after a day or two. Now for how long, who knows! He may be up again early tomorrow!
I doubt PUPD would help, you could try just the PD part (I do that with T sometimes)