Hi everyone,
My son is 8 months old. Been on EASY since 5 months. Started on 3 hour Easy and now on 4 hour. It works great for the first part of the day and by the second part, it falls apart. I don't understand how to keep him on EASY if his 2nd nap is during one of his feeding times. For example...here is our day today:
7 Wake/bottle
8 solids
940-1115 First Nap
1115 Wake/bottle
1200 solids
210-250 Second Nap
300 Bottle...
and this is where I am right now. If 3:00 is his feeding time, how am I to extend his nap??
This is Tuesday's routine (I forgot to write yesterday's routine down)...as you can see, the morning nap is fair, but the afternoon nap is crazy. Also, lhe was taking 1.5-2 hour morning and afternoon naps up until 5 days ago and now everything is different.
630 wake/played in crib
7 bottle
800 solids
915-1045 First nap
1100 bottle
1200 solids
137-225 2nd nap
Tried a catnap from 450-530 with NO luck...he played and/or fussed and cried.
I probably gave him his last bottle too late (7) and he tried to fall asleep during bottle.
745 Asleep until 7 am the next morning
(He STTN wonderfully!)