My LO is also 4 mo old, his schedule is 4-hr and typically goes from 7:00 AM - 7:30 AM (we have a little hiccup around 6 AM which started recently). We started EASY when he was about 3 mo old, but he never napped very long during the day. He would typically wake at 7, go back to bed for 3 hours and then it would be EASY for the rest of the day (but with naps lasting between 45 min to an hour if we were lucky). My LO is a textbook/angel and so when he turned 4 mo, his sleeping immediately went wonky - he would wake up several times in the night (he typically sleeps through the night). As a result, we decided to try the 4-hour EASY schedule. But after two weeks, his sleeping is still very erratic during the day (nights are better now as he's sleeping through again). I cannot get him to stay up during activity times, particularly the first activity time of the day. He gets very cranky and I think as a result, he is overtired and his subsequent naps are therefore not lasting long enough, which then makes him tired during his next bout of activity. Today, I decided to just follow his cues rather than "stick to the schedule" and our day looked like this:
6:00 - 6:30ish - wake, shush/pat back to sleep until 7 AM feeding
7:00 - Eat, he has a full feed but is sleepy afterwards
7:15 - Sleep (1 hr)
8:15 - Wake, Activity time (1 hr)
9:15 - 9:30 - Sleep (1 hr)
10:30 - Wake, some activity to keep him occupied until next feed
11:00 - Eat
11:15 - Activity (2 hr)
12:30 - Sleep (1.5 hr - usually wakes after 30 min and needs to be shush/pat or PU/PD)
2:30 - Wake, some activity to keep him occupied until next feed
3:00 - Eat
3:15 - Activity (1.5 hr - he is usually quite cranky come 4:30ish)
4:45 - Sleep (catnap for 30 min)
5:15 - Activity (1.75 hr)
7:00 - Eat, bath, bedtime story
7:30 - Sleep
11:00 - DF
I don't know what to do about the morning. I don't want to be a clock watcher (it is stressful!), but for the past two weeks I've been trying to keep my LO up in the morning - it seemed to work at first and I was able to get him to take two 2-hr naps, but in the past week, his naps have been shorter and shorter with him waking up after 30 min, spending 20 min (or more sometimes the whole nap period) doing shush pat or PU/PD while he is literally screaming the whole time (he has stamina!). It's exhausting and he becomes progressively crankier as the day goes on. Should I still try to keep him awake in the morning? He is so obviously tired after the 7 AM feed it seems cruel to force him to stay awake for 2 hours especially as he is really crying to be put down! Or should I try pushing his schedule back so that I put him down at 8 PM and wake him up at 8 instead of 7? My worry there is that he will be starving - I think the reason he wakes during the 6 AM time is because he's hungry as he is waking up screaming and will gulp ravenously at the breast when I feed him at 7 (his DF is at 11, so should I push that back an hour too?). Advice would be much appreciated!! Thanks also for any insight!