I've just read
Secrets of the Baby Whisperer and have also recently been reading these boards. I've found a lot of great information!
I been using a basic EASY routine since my baby was 1 month old. I'm just now trying to really tweak it so that I can truly get all the benefits of EASY since I was not following it 100% (not knowing all the methods to use, just the basic E-A-S order of things) at night and nursed before bed (though she slept 9 hours a night since about 2 months old) and I did bounce her while doing shh/pat before naps. Since reading evervthing I've been doing shh/pat without the bouncing and now she's off nursing before bedtime, doesn't need to be bounced to go to sleep, and she's going down for naps just fine. She's even doing pretty well sleeping through the night still, though we're still working on getting her used to going to sleep without nursing immediately beforehand.
OK...so my question is, my baby still only sleeps 20-40 minutes for each nap. I've read this can be due to overtiredness so I've done a couple things. I've lowered my A time from 1 hour 45 min - 2 hours to 1 hour 15 min. She's not rubbing her eyes at this point but she is making little cries that tell me she might be approaching tired. She still naps the same. I've also tried to not overwhelm her while playing and have been giving her one or 2 things at a time to explore while she's on her mat. I have continued to take her and read to her about 5-15 minutes before she goes down for her nap as her "wind down" time. But still, the same nap times.
What am I missing? Is it just her age and there's nothing more I can change?
Just trying to work on one thing at a time and extending her naps is a big thing I'd like to fix right now.
Thanks so much!