Oh Reflux, ((HUGS)) what a nightmare for you. Our Lo has reflux. ok there are a few things you can do to help the situation. first of all is she on any medication for the reflux?
Here are a few things you can do
* elevate the head of her cot or mattress slightly so that shes not flat on her back, this will help the stomach keep the contents from coming back up and burning her little throat.
* Paci if needed, reflux babies need paci's to help soothe the pain
*swaddle - the less she moves around the better
* If you are going to do shh/pat i would recommend a different version as when you do pat her on the back you are likely to irritate her reflux. What we did was we patted the mattress next to his head quite firmly so the vibration was the same as patting on the back. We also used a paci whilst doing this.
* keep her elevated for 20-30mins after a feed.
Basically you cant really train a reflux baby as they are in pain. once you have the reflux under control then you can start on sleep training.
Now for your main question - I think at this age and considering hte reflux that it is fine to use hte dummy. dont rush in as soon as she cries, wait about 30 seconds or so to see if its a pain cry or just a "i want to go back to sleep" cry.
Im going ot move your thread to the reflux boards as you may get some better advice there as this seems to be the main issue