My little boy is 15 weeks old today, born 10 days late. We were struggling to keep on the 3 hour easy and had bad naps - either he would catnap or else he would want to sleep way beyond feeding time.. He also started waking up more at night, but not needing food. He is breastfed and has last feed at 19 and will then have one night feed round about 3 or 4, and then sleep until 7. He never seems very hungry for the morning feed. This morning I put him down for a nap at 8.50 and he woke up at 9.30.. Got him back to sleep and fell for the temptation to let him sleep until he woke by him self. That happened at exactly 11 so fed then.. Now he is off schedule, and sleeping.. Now thinking that maybe the best thing would be to let him be on 4 hour easy, as that seems to please him.. But is he too young?? Sorry to ramble on, but would appreciate some help as I feel a bit confused..