I have 2 girls, 4yrs & 2yrs that I constantly have to keep entertained and busy or frustation and boredom set in. I also have a 16 weeks old little man who I have created some bad sleeping habits for e.g rocking to sleep, breastfeed to sleep, co-sleep most the night.
For the first 10 weeks of his life he mainly slept in the rocker, it was almost impossible to get some quiet time to put him down to sleep or train to sleep.
From 10 weeks I have put him in his cradle for day sleeps and for the most part it has been good. I have to hold him and us a pacifier but he usually sleeps for 1 1/2 + hours. At night I have been lying with him and feeding him to sleep and then putt him in his cradle. Most nights though I end up brining him into bed so I can feed sooth him to sleep. (which allows m to get some sleep too)
He just turned 16 weeks and the wheels have fallen off I need to get him on the 4 hour plan and pick up put down etc.
How do other mothers of more than 1 child cope with keeping everyone happy while trying to get the baby off to sleep and into a routine.
I need to get this sorted as my husband travels a lot for work and when he's not here and the wheels all off I struggle with the sleep deprivation. We live overseas so calling on mum to help out isn't an option, although I am trying to convince her to move here.