Ugh... a 1:30 wake up again! It has now been basically 2 weeks of this! It has been a week since the ear diagnosis, and they were re checked yesterday- almost completely normal again. I definitely think it is an OT (short) nap, as thsi am he woke at 7 and on the way to music group this am he started to doze... it was only 9 am and it is a 5 minutes drive!
How do I manage only doing 4.5 hrs post nap, when he gets up at 1:30??? Should I put him to bed at 6pm? I agree that 5 and 5 seemed like kind of a lot for my sleepy kiddies... but it kind of happened on their own because they started to shorted their nap. I would have just moved their nap a little later, but they also started to wake up a little earlier too. I didn't want to do more then 5 hrs in the am, so that gets us to a noon nap. I'm afraid that if I put him down at 6, he will either not sleep to 7am or still sleep to 7, but get in the habit of taking a shorted nap because he is sleeping longer at night.... sigh..... Do you think I should go longer than 5 hrs in the am? I just wasn't sure because of the falling asleep in the car (at weird times) thing... Made me think they are tired in the am.
On another note, he has been waking really unhappy in the am and from naps... so he's got to be OT. I know you said he'll work through this, but if you look back to when I first started this tread, getting over being sick or not, I feel like not much has changed and now we just have OT on top of it!