Sorry I am writing only today, but to be honest I did not know what routine should I show now
my LO is doing so strange :0
Basically we were on 4 hours EASY, with 45-1,15 minutes naps (it was rather EASAEAS) until now.
And this is how it was today (and few last days):
6.30 a.m - wake as usually, playing in her crib, bubbling, nappy change
7.00 - formula
activity - tummy time on the floor with toys
8.40 - wind down, sleep routine
9.00 - 10.30 - nap then playing in her crib, nappy change
11.00 - formula
11.20 - walk
12.10 - back at home and some solids (just introducing)
12.40 - wind down, sleep routine
unfortunately she had bad reflux so she only fall asleep at 1.15 and I supposed she was a bit OT,
she slept 35 minutes only, so:
1.50 - 2.20 p.m. - playing in her crib, then nappy change
2.40 - formula
activity - tummy time on the floor
3.40 - wind down, sleep routine (I put her down earlier due to short nap)
and she was laying in her crib almost hour, no sleeping, just playing with blanket, bubbling, smiling
so I took her finally out..
5.00 - solids (just introducing)
then activity - tummy time without nappy
5.50 - bath, massage
6.15 - formula
6.30 - sleep
I am sure she was OT in the evening, but she fall asleep easy...
she was not fussy, cranky, she was not crying...
how should I understand it, what does it mean ? is she ready for transition to 2 naps only ?
or is it something else (teething, reflux medicines) ?
she is STTN, refluxer on medicines, one week shy to 6 months, born JIT,
I will appreciate your suggestions and help.
Sorry for my English, but it is not my first language.