I have so many sleep issues with DS2 that I don't even know where to start. He is 4.5 mo, not teething yet (I checked), otherwise healthy.
We had a whole bunch of sleep problems in the beginning, but then I figured out that he sleeps best on his tummy with the blanked tucked in under his arms (kind of semi-swaddled). He always woke up at night to feed every 3-4 hrs, but for the last 10-14 days has been waking up every 1-2 hrs. Since I have a 16 mo toddler to handle during the day, I did a lot of APOP - nursing him to sleep at night, co-sleeping, rocking to sleep. Well, now it's out of control: he wakes up every 1-2 hrs, cries, falls asleep aftre I nurse him (I don't think he takes a full feeding, but it's not a "couple of sips and drift back to sleep" kind either). At 3 or 4 am he wakes up screaming (even if I just nursed him an hour ago) and it takes walking around the room, rocking, holding, patting, stroking etc to get him back to sleep. The whole thing usually takes up to an hour. I'm so exhausted and sleep deprived, that I can't go on anymore. He is a real angel during the day, on 4 hr EASY, taking 1.5-2 hr naps, going to bed at 6pm, taking 5-10 min to fall asleep during the day. At night this angel turns into a little red screaming monster.
Here is our routine (more or less: because of DD1 it's always give or take about 30 min):
6am-ish wake up and feed
8- nap
9-9.30 wake up and feed at about 9.45
11- nap
12.30 - wake up and feed
3 or 3.30 nap
4.30 - wake up and feed
5.30-6 another feeding and bedtime. Most of the times he wakes up in an hour after this, but goes back to sleep with some patting/binky/rocking - depending how much time I have to spend with him, sometimes I take a shortcuts and just walk around the room with him.
So our multiple sleep issues include:
-NW (Oh, and I experimented with letting him to sleep more during the day or less or feeding more and feeding less - results are about the same!)
-I'm not sure he is able to soothe himself to sleep - he needs me to kind of hold him on his side and hold the binky (otherwise he looses it and we have to start everything all over again)
- he is a tummy sleeper, I tried to teach him to sleep without the binky, but he was looking for it with his mouth (even though I left his had unswaddled and he could suck on his fingers) and ended up in the pool of his own saliva. Bad!
- I suspect he may have reflux, but I'm overseas and don't think we can find a reflux meds here.
- He is really gassy at 4 am - sometimes I;m afraid he will fly away with all this gas!
I don't know where to start and how to unravel all this mess. I feel like jumping out of the window at 4 am sometimes!
Thank you. I had some really good advise here before and it's wonderful to have a support group like this (even just to find out that there are others in the same boat!!
Sorry, it's kind of long. Part of it is just venting... It already feels better!