first, I would like to say that I am new to this site and that I love it!
so, my lo is 10m old, he started sleeping 7 to7 since he was 2m old up to 6m old and then everything went wrong?!?!?
it all started when he didn't feel good after having his vaccine, and then he had a cold and then the teeth and then he learned to sit up on his own and it goes on and on......
we started easy around the age of3 or 4 month but I have to say he never learned to fall asleep on his own.when he was about 7 month I did pi\pd to teach him to fall asleep independently, I managed to get him to fall asleep in cot with sh\pat without the shush part but until now can't leave the room until he is asleep.
when he wakes up in the night he either needs a little sh\pat or a sip of water (we live in Israel - very hot summer) but what I don't understand is why is he waking 6 to 7 times a night?!?
the last 6 weeks he has been falling asleep with his bottle, and the last few days he has been refusing his bottle at the usual time (19:15-19:30) and bedtime has become a battel again.
I really need help!
I'm going back to work soon?!?