Author Topic: 8month - doesn't want to eat solids (might be food or teething???)  (Read 1397 times)

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Offline Hannah'sMom

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My DD is 8 months and she usually was a great eater.  She loved her solids. 
However the past 4-5 days she doesn't want to eat her solids.  She is still on the 6month pureed food and I've been trying to add some 8month food that has more chunks in it.   She isn't liking it to much.

Anyway the past couple of days she won't eat much if any but she takes her bottle so I'm not to worried.
She loves her toast and Farley cookies but she won't even eat them.  She just holds them and squishes.

Is it because I'm giving her to many different food textures and she doesn't like them so she doesn't want to open her mouth incase?
I'm thinking she is teething again.  I've looked in her mouth but I don't see any coming yet but that doesn't mean anything.

Have you had the same problem?  How long does it last for?   

Offline ocean

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Re: 8month - doesn't want to eat solids (might be food or teething???)
« Reply #1 on: October 12, 2009, 20:19:47 pm »

I had with my 7 months old, the same problem.

 I think it was because of teeting.  He is a great eater and usually prefers solid for breast feeding. But at teeting period he wanted BF more and refused some of solids. After 4-5 days everyting came back to normal. Now he has 2 teeth and a new is coming.

Your problem may be because of teeting.

Offline caz2107

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Re: 8month - doesn't want to eat solids (might be food or teething???)
« Reply #2 on: October 12, 2009, 20:31:15 pm »
The longest 'solids strike' we've had due to teething so far has been 7 days, nothing was tempting him. He certainly made up for it after tho  ;D

Maybe chunks are a bit too much of a for her just now if teeth are bothering her, I would just keep the milk up and try again in a few days
