Author Topic: 6-week-old not staying asleep well at night - HELP!  (Read 1353 times)

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Offline tara72

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6-week-old not staying asleep well at night - HELP!
« on: October 15, 2009, 15:22:12 pm »
my dd is 6-weeks-old. we are working on a 3-hour EASY during the day. her wake up time varies, but she nurses (15-20 minutes usually on one side) and then bottle feeds (1-2 ounces). she usually shows signs of being tired after 45 minutes to an hour, so I can often just take her up to the nursery and she will fall asleep when I sit down in the rocking chair almost immediately. otherwise, I rock, pat, and shush to put her to sleep - stopping the rocking and continuing the patting/shushing quietly. then she usually naps for 1 1/2 hours - 2 hours.

we don't really have a bedtime, but I guess it might be between 8-10 at night, depending. she usually gets one catnap before then that she wakes up from on her own after 45 minutes. I sometimes give her a bath before that 45er. it seems like her first long sleep from 9-11 for example is pretty good, she doesn't wake up from it for a couple of hours. but after that, her sleeping changes. when she wakes, I feed her in her rocking chair - usually she only nurses about 10 minutes, then I change her diaper and she will take a bottle of almost 2 ounces. she seems to fall asleep fine when eating, sometimes I can't get a burp out of her (this is why I wonder if she wakes up at times because she has a burp). I have her on my shoulder patting her for usually 15 minutes afterwords. she often goes to sleep just fine.

but then 10-60 minutes later, she will wake up and not want to go back to sleep. I actually usually pick her up and go back to the rocking chair for the pat/shush and a little rocking. during the day, I can put her down when she is drifting off and she falls asleep - I'm not so sure about night. she is usually out when I put her down. I'm sure my mistake lies in how I try to get her back to sleep, but we've been fighting spit-up int he crib after she goes to sleep, which often woke her up.

any thoughts?

Mommy of Savannah and Ashleigh

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Re: 6-week-old not staying asleep well at night - HELP!
« Reply #1 on: October 16, 2009, 17:07:26 pm »
thanks for your reply, Jane!

I'm trying to establish an EASY routine....and apparently I'm doing a lousy job. that's why I didn't post it. I just don't know what to do anymore. :( I guess I just can't do it right.

I'm giving the bottle in addition because whenever I only nurse her, she can nurse for 30 or 40 minutes and be hungry just before I put her down. so I give her the bottle as well. I had a really low supply with my first daughter, so I'm a little paranoid.

I guess I'll just play it by ear. I don't think this is a simple fix.

thanks anyway!
Mommy of Savannah and Ashleigh

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Re: 6-week-old not staying asleep well at night - HELP!
« Reply #2 on: October 18, 2009, 12:37:50 pm »
It might be that she is being a bit too stimulated by the night feeds. I would only change her diaper if she is wet through (in which case you can go up a size in diapers for the night time, they are more absorbant), or poopy. Otherwise, leave the lights off, no talking, no stimulation at all. Have you tried gripe water or simtheticone if she holds onto her gas?

When she wakes up after a night feed, is she crying? Will she burp at that point if you wind her?

((((hugs)))) there is no 'right or wrong'. You are just doing your best, like all of us. I expect there are VERY VERY few mothers of six week olds who can say they have a good and consistent EASY. I know I certainly didn't.

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Re: 6-week-old not staying asleep well at night - HELP!
« Reply #3 on: October 18, 2009, 12:50:25 pm »
If she is falling asleep on you while eating or while you are burping her, she may not be used to staying asleep through cycle jolts and other things and still has to learn to do so on her own. She is very young, a lot of those issues might resolve on their own as she gets older. ????

Offline tara72

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Re: 6-week-old not staying asleep well at night - HELP!
« Reply #4 on: October 19, 2009, 02:13:00 am »
thanks for the thoughts, you guys. *hugs* I think she has colic, now, so there are all sorts of issues we are dealing with. I'll just take it one day at a time....thank goodness my mom came out to help so I will hopefully stay sane. :)
Mommy of Savannah and Ashleigh

Offline anna*

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Re: 6-week-old not staying asleep well at night - HELP!
« Reply #5 on: October 19, 2009, 11:30:32 am »
((((hugs)))) thank god for moms hey? Take care of yourself.