Wow, I can't believe so many days have passed since I responded last to this post - life has been crazy around here!
Today Tyler (DS1) had one feed where I swear he didn't suck for more than 3 min - he absolutely refused to go back on (just cried and cried after a suck or two). He is getting a cold though and might have a decreased appetite from that but I still worry they aren't getting nearly enough! I just hope he isn't going on a "nursing strike"!! Rachelann did your DD ever do that?
AmberElise - are you still having the same "nursing strike" issues? Yes, my DD went through many phases just like that. This was when she was maybe between 2 and 4 months old. I remember the first time it happened, when she just refused a feed and I got so worried. Sometimes two or three feeds in a row would be refused or at least cut very short. Looking back, I attribute it to her reflux. Around 4 months old she got on Prevacid, and gradually she became a totally different baby. At the time, it was stressfull, but we pulled through and she wasn't the worse for wear (although I have a few more gray hairs). One thing that I found helpful with keeping her on longer was breast compressions while she's nursing. There's a link around somewhere for it, so if you are interested I'll hunt it down. None of these "bad nursing" phases every turned into a nursing strike. The only real nursing strike we had was one time when she had been biting me, and she just bit me one time to many and I yelled at her and pushed down firmly on her bottom teeth. She wouldn't get on again for 12 hours. That will never happen again - now I just grin and bear it when she bites me.
How old are you LO's now? If you are still having very fussy feeds, it might be good to ask your dr about their reflux meds. Perhaps they have outgrown the amount of zantac they are on, or they have plateaued on the zantac and need a PPI (like prevacid). My LO was fine on zantac until 3 months, went through a growth spurt, and all hell broke loose! However, lots of LO's do fine on zantac the entire time.
I'm so torn as to just let it go, or to move to a bottle. I want to keep breastfeeding, but I feel so stressed out. I know that isn't helping.
I'm so stressed with breastfeeding too! It's not supposed to be this hard! I quit at 6 months with my 1st one is stressed me out so much. I want to continue too but I hate not knowing how much she's had or if she's hungry!
Oh, I know exactly how you guys are feeling - I've been there, and all I can say is please please please don't give up! It's so hard, when you're tired and hormonal and you have this little person's life in your hands and you have no idea if you are doing it right or not because it seems so easy for everyone else. But while you are stressing, your LO is just hanging out, eating, drinking, pooping, sleeping, oblivious, growing and developing and before you know it they'll be crawling and eating cheerios and you'll wonder what all the worrying was about (at least the worrying about every nursing session, I know worrying is a lifelong job for us moms). I bailed on nursing with my first DS, he was FF and just fine. But I was determined to make it work the second time, and I did not have an angel textbook baby, and she is still a peanut in the 5th percentile, has now totally abandoned my right boob, feeds only 2-3 minutes on the left one. She just had her 9 month check-up and was sent home with a clean bill of health.
Just hang in there and keep getting support and advice from other moms. You are not alone and YOU CAN DO IT. Your babies are going to be okay. They're not like fish, where a slight temp. change can send them belly up. Keep an eye on the wet diapers, and how content they seem after a feed to let you know that they are eating enough.
OMG this post is soooooo long!!!! I'll end it now.